Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV
"Clumsy, hurry up!", I yelled at my friend Johnny.
He tried to jog faster, but his stupid, overpacked backpack slowed him down.

As he finally made it to my side, I shook my head in disappointment. Johnny was breathing heavily and tried to balance himself on his knees. He finally looked up at me.
"What?", he asked.
"You're truly something else," I said.

I continued to walk through the dark forest and moved a strand of my (h/c) hair out of my face.
"Because, I'm prepared?"

I stepped over a branch and Johnny tripped. I helped him up and he asked, "Churro, I've been like this since we were five. Why would I ever change?"
I laughed and flicked a leaf out of my friend's red hair.

"One day, you're going to meet a nice girl and want to settle down," I said.

"Commitment? In an alternate universe, sure."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand.
"You're hopeless. Let's go."

We walked some more, until we heard loud noises in the distance and both of our heads turned.
"What's that noise?", Johnny asked.
"Don't know, don't care. Johnny, why don't we just-"

"Y/n, our broken compass clearly isn't getting us anywhere. Would it be so bad if we go check out the noise?"
I stared at him for a second, before realizing my stupid friend was actually being serious. I blinked, while looking at him, incredulously.
"Yes. A hundred times, yes!"

Johnny smiled and slung me over his shoulder. He began to walk and he eventually put me down to walk on my own.
"Dude, if we die-"

"At least, we had a chance to see that Billy Joel concert," Johnny optimistically said.
I shrugged and nodded. "True."

As Johnny and I neared the noise, we saw a town and moving fire over a steep hill.
"Wait, are those people...on fire?", I asked.
Johnny leaned forward a bit, to get a closer look and I grabbed his shirt collar, to make sure he didn't fall.

"Those people are totally on fire. Let's follow them."
"Are you crazy?! Why?", I asked.

Johnny didn't answer me and fell down the hill.

I slid down the steep hill and went to his side. Miraculously, Johnny popped up alright and smiled.
I sighed and thought to myself, 'Why me?'

• • •

Johnny and I followed the fire people to a grand, ominous castle. I looked up at the amazing architecture and grinned in wonder.

"Wow...", I breathed out.
Johnny nudged me and smirked.

"Always listen to Johnny, my little Churro," he said.
I ruffled his hair and he laughed.
"Let's go inside. Hopefully there's a map or something."

Johnny allowed me to go through the spinning doors first and I glanced around the room...well, lobby. It seemed to be a hotel, but full of people in great costumes. Johnny and I looked over at each other and smiled excited. But before we could take another step, a very pale man grabbed us and spun us through the spinning glass doors.

"How many of you are there?", the man with bright, blue eyes and a cape demanded.
"Just us two. Our compass got messed up," Johnny answered.
"Thanks to Clumsy Smurf over here," I added.
"I didn't mean to drop and step on it."

The man held us close to his chest and mumbled, "I can't kill them, it would set monsters back hundreds of years."
"Did you just say-"
I stopped talking once the creepy man hid us under his cape and zoomed to a nearby room.

"Sir! Do you wash?! Oh my gosh, you smell like Johnny's dad after Taco Tuesday!", I gagged.

Johnny just looked around the small room, not bothered by the terrible smell. Of course he isn't bothered, Johnny hardly takes showers. Once a week would go a long way.

"So, are you supposed to be Count Dracula?", I asked.
"I am Count Dracula."
"Oh, another method actor," I said, rolling my eyes.

'Dracula' turned away from us and muttered, "If Marcus finds out..."
"Oh, who's Marcus?", Johnny asked.
"Is this his room? Cause, we're totally cool having a room mate," I said.
"Don't you remember that time when our last roommate threw a flower pot at us?"
I nodded. "He was pretty chill, though."

Dracula went through my Johnny's backpack and started to grab mine. Luckily, I held it close and threatened, "I will pepper spray your ass."
He backed off and I set it down.

"Oh look at all these cool costumes!", Johnny exclaimed.
Dracula smiled and picked up a jar of blue paint and hair gel. He threw his cape up, so I (fortunately) couldn't see my best friend naked.

When the cape dropped down, I burst out laughing at Johnny who looked like a discount Frankenstein's monster.
"You look like a drunk Frankenstein's monster!", I wheezed.

Dracula gave me a vampire costume and turned around, but still lifted his cape.
I changed into the black corset dress and heeled boots, and tapped his shoulder. The cape dropped and Johnny's eyes widened.
"You have legs?"
I looked down and sarcastically gasped.
"I have legs."

The weird method actor pulled us out and we looked around at the different costumes. But, as we passed a humongous yeti, I came to the conclusion that my friend and I were surrounded by real monsters.

"Oh, are we going to a costume party? Wait, we're leaving?!", Johnny exclaimed as we were being walked out.
"Johnny, maybe it's good if we are," I whispered.

Just as were two meters from the door, Dracula was stopped by an unusual hunchback. While him and Dracula talked about food, Johnny went over to a skeleton. He stupidly reached his hand through and got bitch-slapped by the husband. After he backed into a yeti's foot, he accidentally got on a flying broom.

I slid away from Dracula's grasp and chased after my friend.

Marcus' POV
As Aunt Wanda and I came downstairs, I saw a girl whose back was towards me scanning the ceiling as if she was looking for something . I mimicked her action and saw a flying broom, flying in her direction. She didn't see, so I zoomed down the stairs and pushed her to the side.

"Oh, sorry," I said realizing I was on top of her.
"It's fine. Thank you."
I pushed myself off her and stared at her beautiful (e/c) eyes. The vampire stared at me, as well and I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body.

"Y/n, are you okay?!", a male voice asked.
She broke our stare and turned her head to the voice. I got off her and stood up. I extended my hand, but instead a red headed man helped her up. She slapped the back of his head and he winced.
"I love you, but you're an idiot," she scolded.

I smiled at them and hoped they weren't together.

Dad came over and tried to separate them with his velvet cape.
"Marcus, are you alright?", he asked.
"I'm fine. I was saving that girl you're trying to hide from me, Dad."

The vampire and blue man peeked out from Dad's cape and exclaimed, "Dad?!"
"Yeah, son of Dracula. Scares everyone at first," I joked.

• • •

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