"It has our family crescent." 

Artemis hand stops while turning to the queen who is looking down at the dress. 

"It is not the typical dress... But" She pauses turning her attention to the beauty. "You, my dear, are Not the typical bride... Far from it." 

Artemis can't stop herself from hugging the queen surprising her. She freezes momentarily before hugging the enchantress while Artemis tries to control her emotions. Analee pulls back just enough to cup her cheeks in her palms. The silver irises swirling with a multitude of emotions. 

"You were and always will be a warrior Artemis." She pauses making Artemis' heart skip. "And to me that is your strongest ability. Your gifts are extraordinary but they are not what defines you." 

Artemis giggle sobs letting the queen's words fill her thoughts. Never has she ever felt so proud to be whom she is. Queen Analee leans forward to kiss her forehead. Artemis closes her eyes allowing her excess tears to roll down her cheeks. The love rolling off the queen is overwhelming. 


The door burst open making both heads snap to it. A very out of breath prince standing there until his eyes land on Artemis. He begins striding to her before the queen steps in pushing him back. 

"Oh no you don't. We are having a moment-"

"Mom, she was upset." He says gesturing to her. It is then he sees her tear stained cheeks. "Love, why are crying?"

Artemis giggles wiping away at her tears before stepping away from the bed. The queen still standing in front of her son. 

"Caspian, I am well. I apologizes for worrying you."

The queen pushes her son to the exit as he attempts to form a sentence. 

"Mom, wait, STOP!" 

He holds on to the edge of door frame now attempting to not get shoved the final time. Artemis steps up behind the queen placing her hand on her shoulder. The queen glances to her seeing her pleading eyes. Analee sighs before moving out of the way. Artemis steps forward to hug him. Caspian releasing the breath he wasn't aware he was holding. His head instantly going to the curve of her neck. 

The queen walks over to the bed sitting down next to the dress while watching over the young couple. Caspian has been very reluctant to allow Artemis breathing room ever since the incident with King Vispan. She can understand and respect that. She, herself, was very worried for the young beauty but the entire incident marked her son deeply. 

Caspian pulled back to look over Artemis. His fingers going into her hair to brush away from her face. Artemis' eyes filled with love and pure happiness. Caspian's gaze never straying from his beloved. 

"What happened?"

His words gentle not wanting to upset her again. 

Your mother made me very emotional... in a good manner. She is incredible...

At this Caspian sighs and smiles glancing to his mother who is sitting upon the bed already looking to him. 

Yes, she is..

Artemis hugs him once more allowing his comfort to soothe her emotional state. He doesn't hesitate embracing her as it too relaxes him. He kisses her temple before glancing at his mom to see her shooing him. He nods releasing Artemis before pecking her lips. 

Call me if you need me love...

With that he leaves the room allowing Artemis to shut the door walking back over to the queen. The amused glint of the queen's eyes not wavering. Artemis looks to the dress yet agian believing it is perfect. 

"Thank you your majesty..."

The queen snorts very unladylike raising an eyebrow at the young beauty. 

"No more of that, you will call me Analee or mom." 

Artemis fears her voice would waiver  so she just nods her head. The queen smiles before standing up taking the dress in her hand. Leading Artemis off to try the dress. 

After leaving the room, Caspian runs back to his father who was in the middle of the meeting with the leaders of the guard when he ran out. Arriving back to the private chambers of his father, he is met with the door opening as the leaders are exiting. He groans knowing this will not end well. He walks in timidly while his father is clearing off papers from his desk. He stands waiting until his father gestures for him to take a seat. 

"Is she alright?"

Casden sits down knowing this will take some time. His fingers interlocking in front of him while looking to his son. Caspian nods his head while answering. 

"Yes father, mother made her emotions spike. My apologies for leaving abruptly." 

The king sighs leaning forward onto his desk. 

"Son, what was it you felt that trigger you to run out of a meeting?"

"I-I can't describe it.. I just felt pain in my chest. I thought she was in trouble." 

"Did you feel fear, anger, or sadness?"

"Well no, but-"


Caspian jumps at his father's tone. He looks down feeling like a kid getting scolded. No words are exchanged for a few minutes. Only the king's deep breathing can be heard in the small chamber. Caspian finally finds the courage to speak keeping his voice calm.

"I sincerely apologize for actions..." Casden looks up to his son's collected demeanor. "I will attempt to learn more control over them. However, I will not apologize for securing my queen's safety." 

"A ruler has to look out for his people first Caspian." 

Caspian stands up graciously still looking his father into his eyes. His posture resembling that of a true leader. 

"That is true but a true ruler will lead best with the strength of his equal at his side." 

With that, he leaves his father's chambers. His father smiling softly realizing he has been listening during his teaches. A soft chuckle resonating throughout the chamber. 

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