The Farmer's Daughter and the Prince

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It was still 10 years ago, and it happened next day: Anthony ordered his first personal guard: Yuan, to escort him to Eden's farmhouse.

"Yuan", he called. "Escort me"

"To where, sire?", Yuan asked.

"Just follow me", Anthony replied.

Yuan followed the prince outisde, and they were greeted by William.

"Where are you going?", the king asked.

"We are going for a stroll", Anthony answered his father.

"You just had a stroll yesterday", William reminded.

"I know, father, but I wish to go to the fields"

William looked at Yuan.

"Are you sure he is safe with you?", he asked.

"He hired me because he is safe with me, your majesty", Yuan answered.

"May I borrow him for a moment, Yuan?"

Yuan bowed his head while Anthony followed his father to a corner.

"You are going to visit the girl who gave you the flowers, are you not?", William softly asked with a smirk.

"Oh, father, I can't lie to you", Anthony breathed. "Yes, father, I will visit her"

"Yes, indeed, you must!", William exclaimed.

Anthony looked at his father with excitement.

"Are you sure father?", he asked.

"A king must find a good woman to marry, so she may be the queen of Seharia!", William exclaimed.

"Thank you, father"

Excitedly, Anthony signaled Yuan, telling him they may go. They covered great distance; moreover, Yuan observed and found himself at the farm under the Sun's warm rays.

"Why are we at a farm, sire?", he asked.

"You will know soon", Anthony answered.

They saw a house, so they approached it. Anthony knocked the door, and the farmer opened the door.

"Oh, my prince!", he exclaimed. "It is a great honour you decided to visit us-Eden, prepare meals for our noble guests!"

"Who is it, father?", Eden approached to see who her guests were. "Prince Anthony and Sir-"

"Yuan", he told her.

"Prince Anthony and Sir.Yuan, please enter our house and make yourselves comfortable while I will prepare your meals!", Eden exclaimed.

Anthony wanted to gently refuse, but he remembered what William said yesterday:  "Accept everything your people offer you unless it's poision"

Therefore, he replied, "Thank you, humble sire and your daughter-"

"Eden", she said. "My name is Eden"

They entered the house.

"My prince, I must leave you for short amount of time because I need to get milk from my cows, so Eden, treat them well"

"I will, father", she replied.

The farmer exited from the scene.

"Please, sit on that couch and make yourselves comfortable", Eden said.

Sir. Yuan and Prince Anthony sat on the couch.

"Now, I know why we came here", Yuan teasingly whispered. "You have fallen in love with her"

"Silence!", Anthony softly exclaimed an order.

After some time, Eden reentered the scene with their stews.

"Thank you", Anthony said. "Please, Eden, why don't you join us?"

"Thank you, my prince", Eden sat and ate with them.

"Once again, thank you for the flowers", Anthony said.

Then, the farmer reentered the scene. He noticed Eden was eating with them, so he panicked.

"Eden, it is not proper for the commoners to eat with the royals-"

"Unless the royals invited the commoners, which I did", Anthony defended Eden.

"Oh", the farmer breathed. "I have an information: tomorrow at dawn, we will move to Greenyolk Kingdom"

Surprising reactions invited themselves in the scene.

"Why?", Eden asked.

"Sire, I believe that was unexpected", Anthony said.

"I know but-Prince Anthony, may I borrow my daughter outside?", the farmer pleaded.

Anthony looked from the farmer to Eden then to the farmer again.

"Yes, you may, sire", he approved.

Eden went outside to talk to her father, but Anthony and Yuan could hear them.

"Why was the sudden, father?", she asked.

"I know it has become unexpected, but we really should move to Greenyolk Kingdom", her father replied.

"Does it have anything to do with mother's death?", Eden asked again.

"Yes. When I was milking the cows, I noticed your mother's grave, and I could not focus milking the cows because I was distracted. Also, we need a new life", the farmer added.

"How about the animals? We can't bring them from here to there!"

"No, I found the seller for the farm, and we will use the money to buy another farm in Greenyolk"

Obviously, Yuan and Anthony were listening from inside.

"Harsh", Yuan teasingly whispered again, so Anthony stepped his foot. "Ouch!", he exclaimed.

Then, Eden and the farmer returned inside and told them everything. Then, they bid farewell to Eden and the farmer and returned to the castle.

"How did it go?", William asked when he saw them.

Anthony explained everything.

"That was harsh", William commented. "Don't worry, you will find another lass"

"No, I won't", Anthony replied. "I don't care how long will it take, but I will wait to see Eden again"

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