Austin sighed. "Alright. You got me. I wanted to ask you something."

"Go on." I said.

Austin nodded. "Okay... So you said that you don't have a date...." He said and I nodded. "And I don't have a date either. So I was thinking that we both could go together. As friends."

I looked at him. "Really? That's what's been bothering you?"

"I was thinking of asking you to be my date but then I thought that someone might had already asked you so I didn't bother." Austin said.

I smiled and shook my head. "Okay. We can go together."

Suddenly the door of the cafeteria opened again. In walked Aidan Walker with a huge smile on his face.

Emphasis on huge. It was so big it almost split his face in half.

I furrowed my eyebrows. What's got him in such a good mood?

Connor spotted him as well and went to him. He said something that we couldn't hear because he was out of ear shot.

They both talked back and forth of a minute. The whole time they talked, Aidan was still holding the huge grin on his face.

Suddenly, Connor flicked him on his forehead. Aidan mumbled something and rubbed the spot he flicked at.

After that, they both walked towards our table. Aidan was now supporting a pout on his face instead of a smile.

"What happened to you?" I asked Aidan.

"Didn't you see? He flicked me on the forehead. And it hurt." Aidan said.

I rolled my eyes, "I meant before. Why were you smiling so big?"

Aidan's eyes widen a little bit and his cheeks turned pink. He looked flustered.

"Oh... Umm.... Well," then he said something as he rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand.

Austin leaned forward. "What was that?"

Aidan laughed. "Oh nothing just that..." He said something again but it was muffled but his hand.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Connor asked.

Aidan laughed again. "You didn't get it? I said..." He did it again.

"Say it properly!" Connor said leaning forward with a scary look on his face.

"IaskedAbby!" He rushed out.

I didn't understand it first. It took a minute for us to understand what he just said. When we did, the boys attacked him with a hug.

"You finally did it!" They said and leaped forward on him.


We were sitting in the last class of today. By we, I mean all of us.

Before I had my surgery, it was only Abby and me in this class but now, its all of us.

Austin and Connor had Aidan bribe the teacher, who was in charge of making everyone's schedule, and have them in this class on last period.

That resulted on changing the schedule of some more students at school but Aidan made up a lie to make the teacher do as he says.

The lie that I just found out was that I have some side effects of some medications that result in me acting like a drunk person and that he was the only one who could make me stay quiet.

He made a sad face when he told that to the teacher. She bought the lie took sympathy on him and even pulled him into a comforting hug.

I stepped on his foot ten times when we were walking to the class. Abby did me the favor of stepping on Austin and Connor's feet.

As soon as the teacher walked inside the class, Aidan groaned.

I recognized the teacher from day one and hate her just as much as she hates me. Maybe even more.

"Not, Mrs. Frank." Aidan mumbled to Abby.

Abby smirked and leaned back in her seat.

Mrs. Frank is the only teacher in the whole school who thinks that Aidan and I are spoiled brats. She always asks me questions after questions. Thinking that I won't be able to answer.

She even asks questions about the material we didn't even went through yet.

Luckily for me, when Mrs. Lee was teaching me, she taught me everything one step ahaead of my grade.

I answer all of her questions correctly with examples. She always sneers at me when I answer correctly.

I think she's made her life mission to prove to everyone that Aidan and I are spoiled brats.

"Mr. Walker. How nice to see you here." Mrs. Frank said looking at Aidan.

"Nice to see you as well, Mrs. Frank." Aidan said as well.

Mrs. Frank looked at him for a minute and he looked right back. In the end Mrs. Frank nodded and got to teaching.

She teaches math. I'd be a liar if I would say she doesn't know how to teach.

The woman is a human calculator. She was also very good at teaching. Which is the part of the reason why she hates me so much.

She thinks I know how to calculate in my mind as well. Which I don't.

"Why is she here?" Aidan whispered.

"Isn't it obvious?" Abby asked. "She teaches the subject."

Aidan rolled his eyes. Austin tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to look at him.

He told Aidan something in his ear and Aidan's facial expression changed completely.

It went from normal to murderous.

He snapped his head to look at me with the same look for a second and turned back to Austin.

He was about to say something when Mrs. Frank cut him off. "Mr. Walker. Am I interrupting something?" She asked.

Aidan turned to look at her. "No Mr. Frank. You're not."

She nodded with a suspicious look and went back to teaching.

Aidan leaned towards Austin and whispered something in his ear that made him go as pale as a ghost.

But Austin just nodded and focused back on the teacher.

The next chapter won't be as disappointing as this one

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The next chapter won't be as disappointing as this one. I promise.

I rushed through this one because I was so busy today I didn't have time to write.

This was the outcome.

I will come back and edit this but for now, I'm gonna leave it here.

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