don't let them psych you

The frown deepened on his handsome face. He forwarded some more pictures, trying to get the severity of the situation through the other man's thick skull.


[image attached]

[image attached]


this is nothing, dont wprry

they are actually cute

What? Tine panicked, already knowing what the other was probably going to do with the pictures.


Dont u dare use them as your lock screen


too late

Tine smiled, totally smitten. Nevertheless he quickly frowned anew, schooling his features. He could just not understand Sarawat's carelessness about this whole issue, whether it was deliberate or not. And why. Why was he avoiding this topic?

Whatever, Tine should just talk to Boss, he should have some more forthcoming intel since Sarawat was being so tricky.


"Tine, someone is looking for you."

"Wha-," he surfaced from the intricate block of text on his laptop screen. "Oh, thanks," he mumbled to the helpful colleague, stretching his arms over his head, spine popping. Then he grabbed his blue blazer, putting it on while striding out to the small lobby area on their floor, trying not to frown. He had no meetings booked this afternoon. Tine stilled in his tracks then, noticing the person who was undoubtedly his visitor.

"Hey," Phukong said and inclined his head, palms together. Tine returned the gesture speechlessly. What was this?

"Is Sarawat alright?" He asked worried. Had something happened? Phukong grinned, his sharp eyes twinkling.

"Don't worry, I'm just here to have a chat."

"Oh." Tine was stupefied. What the hell was going on? "Okay, do you want something to drink? We can probably borrow one of the meeting rooms."

"No need," Phukong replied, following Tine along the sleek hall and into a tiny but polished room with a big window looking over the busy city. Tine remained standing near the door so Phukong did not sit by the round table either.

"So?" Tine urged, feeling the strange atmosphere spike. He had never really connected with Phukong even though he had met him plenty of times. In the beginning, when he and Sarawat had pretended to be boyfriends Sarawat's little brother seemed to be welcoming, even pleasant to Tine. Although once Tine and Sarawat had revealed being just friends there had been something in Phukong's sharp gaze that made Tine keep his distance.

"Are you guys dating?" He asked, standing in front of the window like a menacing shadow, blocking the afternoon sun, arms crossed over his black sweater.

"Yes," Tine answered instantly, his hands itching to mirror the other man's stance but he suppressed the urge. He was not sure if he wanted to comfort himself or placate Phukong by imitating the other one's gesture.

"And do you love my brother?" Phukong stared intently at the tall frame of Tine. Ah, so it was coming down to this. Fuck. Tine wanted Sarawat to be the first one to hear his true feelings, not his self entitled little brother.

"No." Tine winced at hearing himself say that, but he was not making a second hand confession which may or may not leak to his boyfriend. Phukong could think what he wanted of this. Sarawat's brother frowned instantly, taking a threatening step closer to Tine, who backed up, well just in case. Those brothers did share a similar temper.

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