13: Poached Eggs & Polka-Dots

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THE DAY HAD GONE in quick for the boys and girls in the villa, as everyone was left to an unproblematic, stress-free day

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THE DAY HAD GONE in quick for the boys and girls in the villa, as everyone was left to an unproblematic, stress-free day.
Or almost.

This morning I'd actually woken up feeling a bit dizzy, but I'd cured myself by necking a bottle of water and consuming a mini stack of pancakes. Siânnise said I seemed rough, but I was really not that bad. I was just feeling.. disorganised.

As promised, I told Luke I would make him breakfast this morning, so that exactly what I'd done. After learning he was a poached-egg kinda guy, I got cracking in the kitchen; sticking bread in the toaster and mashing avocado in a bowl.

I wasn't the best cook, but I was bloody well giving my all for this boy who was still fast asleep in the room. Siânnise kept me company in the kitchen and kept me right with what to do. She'd also filled me in on her and Luke and the situation with Wallace, which seemed all good enough.

When I began clearing up, the girls had come outside with Paige who had filled us in on her exciting night with Finn. She seemed a very happy girl. When we'd all been caught up in, the girls got ready for the warm day ahead as did the boys. I had completed a beautiful plate that looked straight from a top-notch breakfast bar. I wished I had taken a picture of it, even just to send to my mum because I know she'd probably be in disbelief that her child had put together such a dish.

"I could cry," I said in a croaky voice, dabbing my eyes, and Siânnise laughed.

"You're officially wifey material!" She said, making us laugh. I clinked my water bottle with hers before heading back into the bedroom to give Luke his phenomenal breakfast. It consisted of a poached egg on a muffin, another on toast with avocado, seasoned with bacon and some baby tomatoes.

Let's just hope he doesn't get food poisoning.

"Oh my word," He said as he spotted me with the plate. He looked so cute, with messy hair, stupid grin and no shirt on– my guy, please like my poached eggs– or at least the toast. I handed it to him proudly, taking a final glance at it before it would be messed up.
I was like a proud mother.

"Thank you," he smiled, taking the plate from me. I placed our mugs of tea and coffee on the bedside table and turned to him, "you're very welcome."

"You look pleased– you should! It actually smells and looks so good!" The slight chuckle in his voice just proved to me he genuinely was impressed. I shrugged a shoulder, "Well, the moment of truth is when you bite into it, then I know if to take pride."

Siânnise told me I could blame her if he didn't like it, so.

"When Luke took a bite I felt like I was on bloody Masterchef! I've never done this before– I think this was my first time making a poached egg since secondary school!" I confessed. "And that's even if I did make them in secondary school!"

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