05: Somebody's Going Home

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LATER IN THE EVENING, when the lights turned on and the bar was open, all the islanders escaped the villa to begin a fun-filled night before the dreaded re-coupling game came

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LATER IN THE EVENING, when the lights turned on and the bar was open, all the islanders escaped the villa to begin a fun-filled night before the dreaded re-coupling game came.

I was currently ready and waiting on the rest of the girls to get ready, so here I stood leaning on the wall, watching some of them curl their hair and paint their faces with makeup, wanting to look their best on their possibly last night in the villa.

Paige was straightening her hair, "so are we nervous for tonight?"

The girls all nodded.
Of course they were— this was potentially their last night in the villa. Not mine though, that's for sure, I mentally smirked.
"I mean we all are but at the same time, I feel like we're at that point where we haven't been here long enough to properly miss everyone and the villa but have to be looking forward to possibly seeing our families? Does that make sense?" Jess said, applying mascara to her lashes, and everyone agreed.

"The thought of ever having to go back to work, though," Shaughna said, and everyone scoffed and groaned. And then she spoke up, flicking an eyebrow up, "Not our girl Ash though, eh? She's got nothing to worry about yet."

I couldn't help but smile. "Well, just for tonight."

For the first time since greeting me, Rebecca asked me a question. "So have ya' spoken to any other boy in here apart from your dates?"
I shook my head no. "No. I don't really like anyone else in here." The girls all laughed at that. It was true though– I wasn't interested.

Shaughna was smirking from ear to ear, I could see it through the reflection of her mirror she sat at whilst curling her hair. Oh God, what was she going to say this time?

"She's caught the Bieber fever!" She yelled to the girls, who all cheered and squealed.
With the feeling of my cheeks burning up, I scrunched my face up and looked off to the side, acting unbothered— although really I was cut to the bone. "I didn't even really like Bieber that much, sooo. . ."

All the girls groaned and scoffed in disbelief. Paige started punching my leg from on the ground as Siânnise pretended to wave me off. "You're such a liar!" Paige screeched, her Scottish accent extremely evident. I laughed blocking her hits as Siânnise told me to "Stop your pretending!"

And I was pretending because I definitely had the hots for Justin Bieber since the beginning. I was definitely a top belieber.

I mean not now though because let's be honest, ever since he married Hailey?
Shits just not the same.
— And Luke is better looking than that man himself.

"Stop bullying me!" I said, backing out of the way from Paige's punches. It left me in the hall, the space between where the boys got ready and the girls, so I sat down on the mini sofa against the wall, not wanting to go back into the warm room. Warmer simply because of the heat radiating from the straighteners and curling irons.

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