12: Calm Waters

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LATER IN THE DAY, I found myself back in the dressing room again, getting ready once again to sit outside in the garden for the next couple hours

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LATER IN THE DAY, I found myself back in the dressing room again, getting ready once again to sit outside in the garden for the next couple hours.

Today had been a real easy day on us islanders, we had no challenge, no text messages, and no arguments. I found it oddly suspicious. Surely something was coming; I felt like this was the calm before the storm situation, but maybe I was just anxious.

Weirdly enough, I could sense a slight tension in the room, and it was coming from Siânnise and Rebecca. The two were both oddly quiet for once whilst getting ready; Siânnise hadn't even spoken a word to me yet.

However, I did pick up on the distasteful looks Rebecca would throw without Siânnise's acknowledgement, and spotted the knowing looks Rebecca would share with Leanne, but I kept quiet.

It was none of my business: I was probably over-thinking, anyway. 

As always, I was the first ready, so I sat on a stool, waiting for the girls to finish. Tonight, I'd decided to wear a white shirt-like dress with my hair straightened and a bit of a dark eye on my face.

I wonder if Luke Trots. had spoken to Rebecca though, she seemed a bit bitter today. Huh, I would have to check.

In fact, I had nothing better to do, I would go check now.

Turning around the corner, I popped my head in the boys' dressing room to see the majority of them just laying around, shirtless. Callum was on the windowsill, laying like Rose from Titanic in that one scene where she tells Jack to paint her like one of his french girls, it made me laugh.

He'd pointed to me and said loudly, "Hey."

All the boys turned to me leaning on the wall, and immediately began shouting and wolf-whistling– in a joking way, of course.
"Oi! Sexyyyyy!"
"Go ahead, Ashlyn!"
"OOooo, lady in white–", Finn began to sing in the tone of Lady in Red.

I facepalmed, really to hide my reddened face, as I called for Paige to 'come get her boy' who continued to dance to his own singing, shirtless. The girls only laughed from the next room.

I spotted Luke T tieing his shoes just a step or two away from me on a seat whilst my Luke was ironing the boys' t-shirts.

A black bomber jacket hung up behind him, as he had white shoes and black ripped jeans on, with his hair styled sexily but also still kinda messily. I began to fall into a stare as he leaned over the ironing board with the small iron in his hand. What a bloody sight to see– I'd like to see more of it.

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