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Crash sighed as she blasted the head off an imp and began stomping on its ribcage letting the blood stain her boots as she turned to look at the imps who remained. They screeched before rushing at her.

"Tick tock, one you go." She said as she tossed her shotgun into the air and stepped back before grabbing it out of mid air and smashing it down on the head of an imp making its head sink into its chest.

"Tick Tock,  another bites the dust!" She said as she held onto the barrel of her shotgun and swung sending the head flying off.

The remaining pair of imps tried to surround her as she rushed at one and slid down grabbing it by the nether regions and swinging the imp to the ground slamming its head into the stone debris surrounding the area. She tossed the imp aside and switched to her plasma gun and used it to batter the imp to death.

"Ah, that felt great." She said as she stretched her neck. She hadn't had a good slaughter in a while.

She used one of the imps to wipe the blood off her boot as she climbed into a pile of debris to scout for more things to kill. She landed her eyes on a man who was ripping a pinky in half. She was confused before she remembered who it was.

"Doomguy! You are so dead!" Crash said launching herself from the pile as she rushed at Doomguy.

He stopped his demonic torture to see Crash stampeding at him. Doomguy's brain clicked instantly when he saw her and he stopped moving turned to face her closing his eyes awaiting pain.

Crash stopped as she slammed her fist into his gut.

"How have you been doing Doomguy? You seen bigger now. You're a big boy now aren't you." Crash said as she gave him a pat on the shoulder as he recovered from the blow.

He nodded as Crash just laughed jovially.

"You have been busy huh. I've found less and less demons as the days go by. I was wondering when you were going to come back to earth. Anyway, you-

Crash stopped as a Cyberdemon appeared from a slipgate.

It roared as Crash and Doomguy looked at each other before loading up their guns. Going to the demon's right, Crash pulled out her plasma gun as the razor blades on her left hand roared to life. She leapt into the air as the Cyberdemon turned to try and swat her away. She changed her direction and landed on its arm before slamming both of her feet into its skull before slamming her razor into its head. It grabbed ahold of her with its claws and threw her into the air aimings it cannon. Doomguy rushed in and pulled back his fist charging it up with argent energy and slammed into the demon's chest as the force shattered its chest cavity causing most of the bones to burst out from its back. It stood in pain as it tried to feebly aim its cannon. Crash fell back down and slashed off its arm as the cannon fell to the ground. The Cyberdemon fell down as it bled out as Crash bumped fists with Doomguy.

"So tell me, have you been good?" Crash said as she began disassembling the cannon and building up a different weapon.

He nodded as he kneeled down to watch her at work.

She began pulling at wire as she began powering up the makeshift plasma cannon. She raised the weapon up and aimed it at a ruined building. The pushback nearly took her off her feet as the ball went flying and exploded sending the ruins crashing down.

"Awesome. Now where have you been holed up? I'd like to see where my protege has been staying to not even look for me." She said as he shook his head at the accusation.

"Its okay. Now come on, lets go hunt more demons." She said running off as Doomguy did his best to not focus on her body.

Following behind her, he saw a carcass leap down from a building at her. She grinned as she let her razors goe flying slicing the carcass in half from the middle as she stomped down on what remained of its skull.

"These demons are just a bunch of pansies. Like seriously, if you-

Crash stopped as a Marauder who glowed yellow slammed down in front of her standing tall.

"What the hel-

The Marauder swung its axe smashing into her with force sending her crashing into the wall of building as she fell to the ground.

"You have taken on a slut to accompany? I always knew a false idol was weak to his desires. Prepare to die!"

The Marauder aimed its axe at Doomguy who had his crucible ready.

"What did you call me?" She said getting up as wisps of red energy were leaving her mouth.

"I said a useless slut. Now begone woman."

Crash growled before launching herself at the Marauder as her fist collided with his shield. The Marauder summoned a hell hound as it latched onto Crash.

Crash leapt back and grabbed the dog's jaws and ripped it in half as she roared charging at the Marauder roughly taking the crucible from thr shell shocked doomguy and slammed the blade against his shield before swinging her leg at his kneee shattering the joint as she watched him crumble. She took the initiative to sidestep and slice off its arms as it stumbled back groaning in pain. She kicked it down as she glared at the demon sentinel before her.

"I am first and foremost his instructor  and I am not some slut." She said as she placed her boot on its head.  It screamed in pain as she increased the pressure. She crushed his head as she shook off the rage.

"Now let's continue shall we?" She said tossing his crucible back. He placed his hand on her shoulder as he activated his tether pushing her into the warp gate.

Crash stumbled in surprise but gained her footing as she stared down at the earth below.

"I never get tired of this." She said as she began looking around.

"Slayer! Who is this lady you've brought?" Hayden asked as his voice echoed throughout the Fortress of Doom.

"Its me Crash! The Trainer for this dumby." She said as she gave him a punch on the shoulder.

"Crash? Oh I see. So you're that Crash. Well it is nice to meet a fellow mentor of the Slayer." Hayden as Doomguy rolled his eyes.

"You seemed skill enough from the footage I've seen and your capability to handle argent energy without changing shows that you have a quite durable body. Would you be willing to assist the Slayer in clearing up the demonic presence fully from the earth?" Hayden asked as Crash was busy playing with a doom figurine.

"Oh, yeah. I don't have anything else to be doing. You." She said pointing at Doomguy.

"Show me my room." Crash said as Doomguy took a moment to process this before shaking his head.

Crash simply walked past him cragging him the collar of his suit and searching the rooms. She stopped outside his and marched in before leaping on the bed.

"Ah, a nice comfy bed." She said as she soon began sleeping moments later.

Doomguy pulled up the blanket and sat by the corner of the bed.

He sighed as he held the Daisy paw in his hands. He held it close as he watched the darkness of space staring into the abyss.

"You seem agitated." Vega said from inside the helmet.

Doomguy grunted as he moved over to the old computer at his desk.

She brought back old memories. Of days when things werw still good. When Daisy was still alive. He wished for those days so hard that he would kill any demon if he could just experience such a life for even a moment.


ONESHOT. Might get a NSFW lemon part 2. Possibly.

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