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~Time Skip~

Izuku wasn't able to go home for Christmas. He was stuck at school, pretty much by himself. There was of course a few students here and there that also had to stay behind, but everyone Izuku was friends with had gone back home, not that that was a lot. Mainly Hinata, but he also got along with his boyfriend, Kageyama, decently well. He reminded Izuku of Todoroki a little bit.

Izuku was just tidying up his dorm when his cellphone rang, cutting off the music he had been playing. He picked it up without checking the call ID, not really caring.

"Hello?" He asked, moving some book from the floor to his desk.

"Hey Midoriya!" Mina's cheery voice sounded through the speaker.

"Oh hey Mina, whatcha need?" He asked, knowing that she didn't just call to chat or something, she probably wanted to hang out or something.

"Well Kirishima told Kaminari and I that you were stuck here for Christmas and I was wondering if you wanted to spend it with us?" She asked.

Izuku's eyes widened slightly at the offer. "Really? Are you sure?" He asked, not wanting to intrude or anything.

"Of course! We're friends Midoriya and neither Kami or I want you to spend Christmas by yourself. That's just... depressing." She said and Izuku had a feeling she was scrunching her nose up.

"Oh okay, yeah sure. I'll totally spend Christmas with you two." He said with a happy smile now that he actually had plans for the holidays.

"Great! I'll have Kaminari come down and get you later today, sound good?" Mina asked.

Izuku had already assumed he'd be going to their house, seeing as they were renting an actual house and weren't staying in the dorms. "Yeah, that works. Just tell him to text me when he's on his way."

"Yup, see you in a few hours!" She said before ending the call and leaving Izuku with a few hours to pack a bag.

Once their call ended, he was quick to text Eijirou.

Thank you.

It was around four in the morning back home, so he wasn't expecting an answer for a few hours.

About half an hour later, Izuku's phone dinged with a text from Kaminari.

Just left the house dude, but there in like an hour or something.

Sounds good.

With in an hour or two, Izuku was in Kaminari's truck and heading back to his and Mina's place.

"It sucks how far we are from home, huh?" Kaminari asked, starting up a conversation easily.

Izuku looked over at him and nodded. "Definitely. I wish I could have gone back for the holidays." He said with a small pout.

The blond nodded in agreement. "Don't we all? Airline tickets are expensive as all hell though."

"Heh yeah, but Kacchan and Kiri are coming out here for spring break... probably." Izuku said, adding the probably seeing as they hadn't had a serious talk about it yet. It was just a promise they had made while trying to get him to stop crying.

"Seriously? That'd be so awesome! I miss my bros, ya know?" Kaminari said excitedly. He was a little hurt by the fact that Izuku knew that information and he didn't, but then he remembered that Katsuki and Eijirou more than likely had a big ass crush on him and he wasn't so offended anymore.

"Mhm, I miss them to." Izuku agreed, shifting to look out the window again.


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