"What happened?" he asked. Camilla pushed past him and grabbed a bag of peas from the freezer. She pressed them against her bruise and winced at the contact. She clearly didn't know what she was doing, so Blue grabbed a cloth from one of the drawers and ran it under the cold tap. He carefully moved the peas from her face and replaced it with the cloth. It was much softer than the frozen vegetables.

He had never actually been this close to her before. Unsurprising, because the two didn't really get along. He found himself staring at her eyes. They were brown, but almost the colour of honey. And her skin was dotted with a million tiny freckles. They almost looked like constellations across her face.

He cleared his throat and backed away, grabbing her a piece of paper towel to wipe the blood from her nose. When he turned back, however, she had unceremoniously wiped it away with the cloth.

"You never told me what happened."

Camilla jumped up onto the counter and opened one of the energy drinks.

God, she's addicted to those things. He took it from her hand and put it on the other side of the kitchen. She cracked open another one, and Blue sighed, defeated.

"Well, guys don't like it when they get called out for cheating with someone else's girlfriend." She shrugged.

"Wait? What?" he looked at her, anger growing in the pit of his stomach. "Kurt did this to you?"

"And Donny. There was a lot of drinking. A Palm Bay was thrown at me. I think it was a bit of a menage a trois in the football field."

Blue faked a retch, and Camilla giggled.

"God. It just hurts, you know? Like, I thought I loved her." He leaned on the counter across from her.

"You thought you did?" Camilla asked, dabbing at her nose with the cloth.

"Well, I don't know. I guess, I haven't ever said 'I love you to anyone' first. And if I said it at all, it was because I would have felt shitty not replying. And, I- I don't know, it's stupid." He looked away from her.

"You know, you're less of a stereotypical high school protag than I thought when I first met you." She took a sip of her drink and handed it out to him. He shook his head and instead grabbed the one he had tried to stop her from drinking.

"To assholes." She held out her can for a toast. He tapped his can against hers.

"To assholes."

Camilla fell asleep that night plotting.

The next day, Blue had to get her out of her room before they missed the bus to school. She had woken up at an ungodly hour (three in the morning), slammed two Monster energy drinks, and did some major digging into Haddy Sincline and Kurt Haliday.

She dug through school records, FaceBook profiles, and even managed to remotely tap Kurt's phone, as he wasn't secure in the slightest. She had cackled hard enough to make Blue hit the wall to shut her up when she read text messages between Kurt and Mrs. Dailie. He had been sleeping with her to keep his grades up. That was going to be news to share tomorrow.

"Did you know that Haddy isn't her real name? It's Haggar." Camilla and Blue sat together for the first time on the bus.

"Wait really? She never told me that." Blue seemed to be taking the knowledge of Haddy cheating quite well.

"Yeah, she's named after her grandmother. Her dad is Lotor Sincline. I hope you knew that, since you were dating her."

"She never actually introduced me to her parents." He looked down.

"Oh. Well shit." Camilla thought for a minute. "Kurt is sleeping with Ms. Dailie."

"Fuck, really?" he laughed. "I always thought he was doing too well in English."


The two deboarded the bus and were immediately approached by Camilla's friend.

"Cammie! What happened?" Bandor screeched, looking at her cheek.

"I got punched." Camilla shrugged. Bandor's eyebrows creased, asking for more information. Camilla shook her head.

"I'm not gonna make it to Spanish," she said to Bandor. She gave him a mock salute and walked off, Blue walking with her.

"Why? You're failing it!" Bandor yelled after her.

"You're failing Spanish? You know, I'm fluent. I could help you out," Blue offered.

Camilla side eyed him. "Why?"

"Well, you've done something for me, so I feel like I owe you." He threw his arm around her shoulder. She giggled, feeling the heavy weight of his arm on her shoulders.

"Well, well, Holt has a black eye. Rob a gas station and get caught?" one of the football players scoffed. He walked by and flicked her on the forehead. Blue did something that Camilla would never expect him to do, being the goody two shoes he is. He turned and completely bitch-slapped across the back of the head.

"You want to fight me McClain!?" the guy turned around and pushed him back. Camilla stood between the two of them, trying to stop the brewing fight, but was only pushed to the side by the unnamed football player. That only fueled Blue's fire. He punched him across the face.

"Blue!" Haddy's voice came through the gathering crowd. "Why the fuck are you fighting with Ram!?"

"I don't think you're in any place to be scolding Blue for anything!" Camilla barked.

"Everyone calm down!" Bandor yelled. He grabbed Camilla and Blue by the arms and dragged them away.

"Are you okay?" Blue asked the smaller teen.

"What the fuck?" Bandor asked the two of them.

"My girlfriend is cheating on me. Cam was just being a good friend. She got punched and now I'm pissed."

"And I plan to be a bitch to Haddy." Camilla smirked and walked off, leaving the two boys behind.

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