Yay or Nay?

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So this isn't really an update, more of a question.

I have what I think is a lot of pretty good ideas for either a sequel one shot, or a full fledged story sequel to Green Magic.

Let me know in the comments what you want to see, and if you think it should even be done.

To make it simple, type YAY! for a sequel one shot, YAY!2 for a full story, or Nay if I should leave it the way it is.

Anywho, it's 4:51 am and I gots ta know this shtuff so I can get on it (or not depending on majority vote).

Also! I got a new laptop that is only mine and I don't need to share it and it's fast and the specs are amazing. Anyway that means I'll proably be pumping out more chapters more often.

See you later JollyDrugAddicts


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