"Thanks, Kiki. It's a great opportunity to expand my horizon." She also leans back, sighing.

"Things are changing so quickly," I murmur thoughtfully, thinking of all the dynamics we've gone through in such a short span of time. It's a bit overwhelming, but here we are. "I can't say I'm not scared, honestly speaking. Don't you?"

"I am" remarks Sam. "I feel like my life is changing big time. It seems like this summer was meant to be a turning point in our lives, right? We've gone through a lot in just three weeks or so."

"I know, right?" I sigh deeply, thinking of my own twists and turns. "But it's worth it," I think out loud, the image of Liam clear in my head.

"Wait," Sam suddenly snaps in a startled manner, eyeing at me strangely. "What is this?" she adds.

"What?" I utter, only to realize that my hand is on hers. "I was going to tell you, but you arrived with—"

"You're engaged?" Sam asks, deadpan, and I nod.

"Earlier this morning, and that's what I wanted to say. Liam proposed to me, I was so surprised, and . . ." My voice trails off, seeing no reaction from Sam.

I can't stop my heart from pounding faster, a slight disappointment giving me a pang on the chest. I wonder if she's mad, happy, or neutral about it.

I try to open my mouth, but her sudden gasp makes me hold back.

"You're engaged?" she says stoutly. "Like really engaged, ready to get married?"

"Um, yes?" I utter, and again she takes my hand.

"Damn, this is wonderful!" Sam exclaims cheerily at last. "And the ring is super beautiful."

"Um . . . Thank you," I say, completely awestruck.

"So, you're marrying your Mr. Darcy?" she shouts, and I shrug. "Kiki, this is amazing. I can't believe you're engaged to your first boyfriend." She pulls me for a scandalous hug, and I just follow suit.

"He's not my first boyfriend." I giggle in her embrace.

"Oh, yes, if we include the one you dated in high school, only to break up with him a week later," she teases.

"Whatever." I laugh lightly with her, all the tension gone. And when we pull apart I finally confess, "I'm still adjusting to the idea, Sam. It was so sudden, and now I'm freaking out inside."

"Come on, what do you mean freaking out?" she practically scolds me. "You love the guy, and I've never seen you in love before, remember? So don't give me that, because I'm all in favor of this holy matrimony."

I can't repress my laughter, for she's insanely amazing.

"It's just too . . . Ugh, I don't know how to explain it." I cross my arms on my chest.

"I know, Kira," Sam says gently, all jokes aside. "You, me, and Liam weren't off to a good start. But I realized I was just being silly, you know. It's not like I loved him as you do. No, I didn't love him, at all, to be utterly honest. Maybe I simply couldn't accept losing the battle, that wasn't even mine to begin with. How stupid is that, huh?" She sounds remorseful.

"Hey." I squeeze her hand with a smile.

"Forgive me, Kira, I was so unfair."

Now I pull her for a hug, and I'm almost tearing up. "Why are you so sweet to me, Samantha Ford, huh?" I ask her in a sassy voice.

"Because you've always been good to me, Kira. Always. For as long as I can remember. And I don't think there's anytime that I did anything good to you."

"Of course there is, or else why would we be friends?" I sniffle my tears away.

"Right? We may be so different but we're sisters forever!" She's also crying, but we manage to laugh and sit straight, staring at each other deeply in the eyes. "Just go for it and don't be afraid, Kira. I know you're the type to pick truth instead of a dare, but this time you need to pick a dare."

"Me? What are we talking about again?" I chuckle.\

I know it's about my damn engagement.

"Yeah, you. Sometimes life gets a little crazier and you just have to forget your fears, and simply step your foot even in a fire pit," she says.

"Thank you, Sam. I know this is a bit too much but I think I can handle it," I reply with all honesty. "Although, I haven't told you something else."

"I'm all ears." She frowns a bit.

"Well, Liam and I met for the first time when we were children."

"What?" Sam huffs a laugh. "Did you grow up in Montana together or something? That would make a good story if you're trying to be a writer."

"Yeah, that sounds right, but I'm being serious."

Her nose crinkles. "Seriously?"

"Yes." I start telling her of my childhood story with Liam, and her look goes from being startled to awed, and then back and forth. "So we met again after the accident and here we are."

"God," Sam gasps, "that sounds like a fantasy movie plot. You mean, those freaking dreams you kept having were actually connected to Liam? And you two were together in the accident?" she asks aloud.

"Yes," I prompt.

"Oh, no, this is crazy." She scrutinizes me in disbelief. "Then you two are soulmates, huh? Because I can't come up with any other explanation."

"Well, I'm not sure about that." I sigh.

I know it's unbelievable, but I guess some things are meant to remain a mystery.

We keep talking, and I tell her about Liam's proposal that I go with him when he leaves.

"To London?" Sam snaps.

"Yeah. It's crazy, I know."

"But of course you have to go with him," Sam says stoutly. I blink at her. "You two will automatically get married, now that you're engaged. And it's not like he can move to L.A since he has a business to lead, right? But you can teach anywhere in the world, and especially England. I know you even planned having your masters there, right?"

It's true. I've always been fascinated by English historic enchantment and culture in general.

Plus, the idea of seeing where all my favorite literature authors lived. It's kind of a dream come true.

"But I'm going to miss you," I utter, and it's crazy that I'm already speaking of the future.

"I'll miss you too, Kiki. But we have phones and live video chats, don't forget. And we can always meet again because you're not shifting the planet."

"And I still think I need a little time to make a decision to leave L.A," I say. Sam frowns at me. "Seriously, Sam. I can't just pack and leave with him right away; it's too sudden. I need time to organize myself and be absolutely sure that I want to take this big step."

"Then talk to Liam," Sam replies. "Tell him how you feel because I'm sure he'll understand."

"I hope so. I really hope he'll understand," I mutter under my breath.

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