Izuki stood quiet for a moment...after that, she then smiled somehow as she suddenly put her arms around (YN)'s neck...

Izuki: You know...I knew there was something about you...

(YN): Really?

Izuki: Hehe yeah, like you didn't act crazy, lunatic, not even a psycho villain...you were calm, noble and strong one...

(YN): Which I am...

Izuki: And also...i Don't know it this was too quick for me...but for somehow...I like you...like, like like you~

(YN): Is that so~??

(YN) places his both hands on Izuki's waists...

(YN): Cause not only I had respect on you...but I also liked you...but at the end of our fight...I started to like like you as well~

Izuki: *giggles*

(YN): Hehe~

They both chuckled and giggles for a moment, after that, they both stared down into their eyes, suddenly, they both started to get closer, closer and closer as there was a scene showing their lips almost starting to connect to each other...and so, their lips connected as they kiss...they started making out as Izuki blushes having her arms still around (YN)'s neck and (YN) as well holding onto Izuki's waist...they started making out for a moment as their lips backed away as their saliva were connected towards each other's lips, lookin at each other, happy, suddenly...they both heard...

All Might: Well I'll be.

Izuki: AAGH!!! A-ALL MIGHT!!! *blushing really hard*

All Might: I'm glad I found you...and you (YN) as well...

They both got up from the ground and stood up...

Izuki: W-Wait All Might, what you saw...We Can explain-

All Might: No need to Young Midoriya...I heard everything...

Izuki: Y-You did??!

(YN): You did??

All Might: Yes, everything. Young (YN)...

(YN): ??

All Might walks up to (YN) as he places his arm onto his shoulder...

All Might: I am so sorry for what Shigaraki did yo your parents...terribly sorry for them...may them live in peace...and now I totally understand what you had gone through and why you chose this...don't blame yourself, not even the people of this city as well, blame All For One, he did this to you and for what he did to your parents...

(YN) again shed a bit of tears as he clench his hands...

(YN): I-I'm sorry for What I have down to your students...and your friends...and Izuki as well...I didn't know what was going on...

All Might: It's okay, son...I understand and accept your apology...

Izuki smiles as she hugs (YN) from behind...

Izuki: And i accept your apology as well.

(YN) then smiles as he both tells them..

(YN): Arigatō...Thank you..both of you...for understanding me...

The three started walking out of the area as they were heading towards the other heroes as they were infront of the UA entrance, as they got their, (YN) realizes polices with them...the heroes realize that All Might has found Izuki....and (YN) together...

Kirashima: Its him!!

Tenya/Ochaco: Izuki! All Might!

Bakugo: That Bastard!

Aizawa: All Might! Midoriya get away from him!

The polices then surrounded (YN)...

Police #1: (YN)! You are under arrest for invading US High and for hurting heroes! Surrender your self!

All Might: Crap! I forgot about this! (YN)-

(YN): Its fine, All Might.

Izuki: (YN)...

(YN) turns around and puts his hands onto Izuki's shoulders...

(YN): Its alright Izuki, for What i did, i must pay the consequences...don't you worry about me...I'll be fine, and get out soon...to be with you again...

Izuki smiles as his eyes started to get watery, (YN) then kisses her on the forehead as the rest of the heroes were shocked and confused for what they saw...after that, (YN) started walking towards the police as he puts his hands behind his back and got cuffed on, taking him to a police vehicle...all the class 1-A heroes ran up to Izuki as they started questioning her about (YN)...

Tenya: Midoriya! What in the world happened between you two?!?

Asui: Yeah, what happen? Ribbit

Kirashima: Not only that, he kisses you and you let him, what's up with that?!?!

Izuki: Well-

All Might: We'll tell you guys later, for now, Izuki must get checked on from her injuries, please let her have some space for now, she will tell you all about it later.

Class 1-A started to accept it as they all left to their dorms with Izuki to take her with recovery girl. As they did, The pro heroes walked up to All Might...

Endeavor: All Might, what the hell actually happen?!

Aizawa: Yeah, he literally came with you guys like nothing...what's the meaning of this?

All Might: I'll tell you all in a bit, come one, let's go to our offices.

In The End, I Fell In Love With You (Female Izuku x Male Villain Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant