Sophia, behave. You can't think like this not when he is completely a stranger not less.

" Good morning everyone. We are glad to have you, Mr. Steve Johnson here with us. " it's always common for our faculties to create a good impression in our guest but trust me it's important to get the attention from the founder of our university

" Dear students, Usually we had Mrs. Helen Johnson for previous meetings and as like always we expected her here but she is now feeling unwell... And today her son, the great business man, a successful businesses man, Mr. Steve Johnson is here on behalf of Mr. Helen Johnson. We are hoping to see a speedy recovery of Mrs. Helen Johnson... And Mr. Steve Johnson is here to present gold medal and certificates to merit students... We are requesting him to share few words with us. I kindly request Mr. Steve Johnson to take the lead" this ceremony is useless if I say. They are showing the difference. Yes, I agree that merit needs appreciation and that doesn't mean to humiliate the rest.

Mr. Steve Johnson rose up from his seat and stepped up on to the stage. He is just like xerox copy of beautiful and handsome. Sorry, but I can't define his charms in more appropriate way than using the word beautiful. His white skin which is visible at his wrists is glowing under the lights. Coming to his face, it is in the color of the insides of his palm. And oh god, his hair.. My fingers are itching to run in his hair. A perfect man more like a fashion model.

Driving back, I observed that every boy is feeling jealous of him and boring holes every inch of his body. Every girl is having sun in their eyes, their hot gaze can burn him alive.. God! They are in such desire to have him.

" Good morning students " that's the end of my thoughts. But wow he has such a tone after his aura and perfect personality to get everyone attention. " I am glad to be here. Every year, my mom took the lead to do this but unfortunately she is not feeling well right now. "He continued, " I am not a time eater and obviously not a mess, can say that I love sentence than sentences. " he moved his index and forefingers in air signing quoted mark. " you are the real future creators." Of course he is right. He smiled and " Sorry to say that I have an important meeting, so I request Mr. George to call the students on stage to start the awarding ceremony "

With in a minute our principle sir is on stage started calling out the student names. Mr. Steve presented them certificates, how crazy that only three students were eligible to have gold medal along with a certificate. Of course, certificate from our university helps us to get a great job that provides more facilities. George called Stephen and Nat names to attain them. But the shocking news is George joined my name along with them.

" Sophia, Congratulations " Lisa brought me out of trance, for a second she squealed.

Is this a prank or what!

I don't have an idea that George is into this prank sh*t. Lord! Please forgive me, I didn't mean to use that word.

I rose up from my seat, " Sophia" Chris whispered my name by gazing at me. I turned my head to him, "Congratulations" I received his greetings. Even he looks handsome and had every girl glance, he never left a chance to impress me and that's clear in his eyes. I made my way towards the stage not to waste my time on thinking about things that nothings me and to look dumb in front of everyone.

I had seen that teachers informs students and gives instructions to sit in first or second row before being rewarded by getting onto the stage.
This time they didn't informed me anything and I am still in shock that how can I get this. Seriously, how can I?

He gazed at me.

His dark black eyes attracted me like he want to store me in his eyes. He offered me a hand, we both exchanged a shake hand. His hand is really soft and smooth like cotton. Long beautiful fingers yet delicate ones but he can punch others hard with his fist. If he holds my hand like this for a minute. I can calculate about which rate my heart is beating without being a medical student.

" Congratulations" but this greetings took my heart away when I heard his sweet voice that stroke my ears.

" Thank you sir ", he presented me the gold medal along with certificate.

What will I do with this medal and certificate!?

It just occupy some more space in my dad's shelf.


Hope it is long.
Honestly, this chapter consists of
1560 words.


Steve Johnson✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin