Chapter 1

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It's tiresome.

But someone's gotta do it.

That's my motto in life.


My name is Wen Jia.

And I'm a doctor.

My heels clicked crisply on the hospital tile floors as I walked through the rows of patients, making my daily rounds to check on the ones assigned to me.

Hair tied up high in a ponytail with a white coat over a crisp white shirt and sleek chic black silk ankle pants, sensible black glasses and a clipboard on hand, I looked the perfect role model of a doctor.

As I walked past, nurses I knew greeted me.

"Good morning, Dr Fu!"

"Morning, Dr Fu!"

I smiled at them and nodded in acknowledgement every once in a while but did not slow my pace down.

The life of a doctor is busy and if I wanted to end on time today, I needed to be brisk.

As I walked down past the rooms with selected patients, I hear once more the typical roar of a dog blood drama* that happens so often in hospitals.

*Dog Blood Drama: '狗血' is used to refer to 'absurd/exaggerated cliché'

You would think that in a hospital, where one goes to seek for help for their various ailments, that the study of science would rule.


That was my rookie mistake too.

I slowed down as I heard the sounds of glasses being shattered and shouts emerging from a ward.

I glanced at a nurse.

She sighed and shook her head.

"Third one today."

Another nurse at the counter popped her head up.

"Ah it's Dr Fu! Could you please intervene??  It's seriously... This patient has been doing this for a while now and it's really getting on our nerves!"

One would think my nurses to be entirely incompetent.

You might even wonder: why were they not running into the room despite the shouts and cries and screams?

I ruefully looked at then.

"Which type is she?"

The nurses collectively sighed.

"Lost memory. Got swapped as a baby. Found out that the foster father was the real murderer of the real parents."

Even I, as a mature and experienced doctor of 5 years was slightly surprised. The typical Holy Grail of Asian drama tropes all in one patient? What were the odds??

"And... He's a guy."

I raised my brows in surprise.

What a plot twist.

I looked at the nurses with pity.

"Look out for the foster family. There's bound to be some lawyers with them this time."

The nurses sighed once more, tearfully looking at me.

I couldn't do anything. Plus, this case was not under my purview.

I knocked the table gently.

"Get a cup of coffee on me. Just tell the cafeteria lady to add to my tab."

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