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So.  Songs.  How good are they?  And yet, perversely, how bad are they?  How mediocre, how annoying, how life-affirming, how soul-destroying, how inescapable and all-pervasive, how uplifting, elusive and raw?

How all of the above?

And there are a lot of them.  How many?  I dunno.  More than there are M&Ms?  Possibly.  In fact, probably, once you consider that M&Ms have a shelf-life, whereas songs—as FM radio so clearly demonstrates—don't.

Fortunately (for both you and me) this is not a treatise on the concept of songs in general.  Nor is it a treatise on all songs in particular.  That would be impossible, not to mention stupid.  Besides which, there is the slight technical hitch that I'm not exactly sure what a treatise is.

Anyway, I digress (which is a warning as well as an observation—I tend to digress quite a bit.  Consider yourself warned.  And observed.  Um.  Actually, not the last one).

Some songs you love.  Some songs you hate.  Some songs you wonder from which bizarre and occasionally regrettable confluence of pharmacology and frontal lobes they sprang forth.  Songs quite literally form the soundtracks to our lives, the backing track to the events and the occasions that shape our world, from the earth-shattering and momentous through to the inconsequential and mundane.

These are a few of them.

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