Chapter 10: Training

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Kiba and Akame are clashing swords at each other. Being an assassin, she said to always lurk into the shadows. Levi shows Kiba how to use counter attack if the enemy is open.

(Day 2)

Akeno is showing shooting lightning at the boulders but missed a couple of times. Esdeath teaches her how to aim properly. Mirajane told her she can also attack while in the air. That way they won't see it coming. Also they even told each other their first sex with Y/n.

Issei is being mangled by Robin's Devil Fruit powers. Bone cracks were heard.

(Day 4)

Rias was told by Archer to use magic at a perfect time and place. Kaneki tells her to while using it, she'll also has to know how to dodge while charging it.

Issei is pulling a monster truck tire, struggling.

"Come on! My grandma can do that in her sleep!" Y/n looks at the screen. "True story."

(Day 6)

Erza told Isami to always have the right posture to hit the target. She swung the sword with her multiple times.

Kurome told her to not use it on yourself by accident as she was told that this poison is almost vital towards the user.

Issei is reading a book. Y/n takes an actual book to see he's reading a Playboy magazine.


(Day 8)

Wendy told Asia how she's a healer also but have some fighting styles. Meredy focuses on how to use it in a distance.

Issei is being chased by werewolves, bees and machos wearing dresses with make-up.

"Where did you get them?" Robin said reading a novel.

"Easy. I asked the king of Okama to borrow some of his people." Y/n shuddered. "Dear lord they're terrifying."

"Aww. Come here." Robin placed his head on her lap to see her grown belly. She's 6 months pregnant. "Feeling better yet?"

"Yeah. Thanks Robin-swan." She giggled.

"Sanji would be mad if he heard you saying that."

"Well tough luck for him then."

(Meanwhile at the Thousand Sunny.)

"I have an urge to kill that stupid devil bastard."

"Shut up, Ero Cook."

"What was that, Moss head?!"

Then they started fighting in the kitchen.

"Hey!! Stop that!! You'll wreck the kitchen!!" Usopp screamed at them.

"Hey! Is food ready yet?"

"Stop thinking about food!!" He slapped Luffy's head.

(Back to the DXD universe.)

(Day 9)

Everyone is now resting. Y/n looks at the clipboard and grinned.

"Good news. Your status are very high. Looks like we're gonna win this in no time."

"The bad news is that one of you is not very good." He looks at the exhausted Issei and looks back to the rest. "Get some rest."

"Fuhhhh! I'm so tired." Rias said stretching her limbs.

"Me too, Buchou."

"Man. All those training really does paid off."

"Tell me about it." Koneko said punching the air." I feel so light and fast."

"No kidding." Isami said swinging her sword. "It's like I'm holding a branch."


"Well then. Let's go to the spring bath to heal ourselves up." Issei jolts up.

"Can I join?!"

Y/n twitches his eyebrows.

"Well. Who wants to let Issei join with us?"

"Sorry Issei. We don't think it's enough space for you to come inside."

"Yeah. Sorry Issei-san."

"I'd rather die."

"Someone shot me in the head already, please. I don't want my own brother to peeping on me."

"Well. The majority says no. Sorry."


"How about Y/n?"

"He could join the fun~."

"I-I think Y/n-kun is okay for me."

"If Y/n-senpai is joining, count me in."

"Let the King join us, Pres."

"Alright then. Y/n. You can join us."


"What?! I thought you said there wasn't enough space!!"

"I lied."

"Damn, Rias. Good one."

She then wrap her lover's neck.

"We can have lots and lots of fun in there if you know what I mean, daddy~❤️."

"........let's go to the spring."

The Lovable Gremory (High School DXD harem X male Gremory reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ