present future past

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HASSH !!! GOD these three words are too confusing. What should we do ??? Should we think about our future and work today ??? Should we think about our past and work today ??? Or should we forget both past and future and work today spontaneously according to the situation ??? All these question confuse me a lot I mean what should we do to get successful in life.

These are some of the questions coming to each one of you including me

OK let's see the example :

We know that MS Dhoni is a cricketer , oh why am I telling that everyone knows it 🤣🤣ok so let's see what he does he practices before his every match but why he do this I mean he has been a great cricketer in his past and he knows all the tricks but why he does it every time before his match , the answer is simple what is going to be his tomorrow he is unaware of that and what he had been in past doesn't help him in his present so he work hard to become better and best than what he was in past and he works hard today to have a better future.

So does this mean that we should consider our past and work hard today to become a better version of us which we were in past to have a better future.

Oh yes not only cricketers ,actors also do rehearse their lines before going onto the stage but same question why ??? They had been a good actor in past then why this home work and work in short ;; after getting name and fame... Answer is simple our future depends on what we are today and what we do today and not on our past ... Past can just be a motivation for today to work hard but cannot be our present or future as the work itself says its PAST
So past is just a motivation and the choices which we make in our present define our future

So one has to carefully choose today considering their future and past to have better tomorrow

In short which is gone is past and which is going to come is future and both of them are not in our hands but we have present in our hands so do each and everything to have a beautiful present and work hard in present to have a better future ,,having said that don't forget to take care of your family and yourself because once you get the desired things in future and if you loose what you had then what dreams you are greeting in future will have no worth , eg. spending time with parents may not be possible in future when you will be a great doctor or engineer or teacher etc.

So give importance to your present well enough to your health ;to your family ;to yourself -because having a healthy balance between family life and professional life is important because one who is really successful is the one who has good family and good profession both in future so work hard on both and enjoy

Enjoy your present and do what ever you want , in short do everything possible today only because its never tomorrow ,its never tomorrow, no tomorrow ....

Don't forget to have good balance between family and professional life , stay happy ,stay safe, work hard

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