Chapter Nine: The Slytherin Affair

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Chapter Nine: The Slytherin Affair

On Tuesday evening, Draco made his way down to the Quidditch pitch with Astoria, who was a bundle of nerves. She was quiet as they walked, but when they neared the pitch, she came to a halting stop.

'Oh, Merlin. What am I thinking? I can't do this,' she said, her breath coming out in short little gasps.

'Tor, calm down,' Draco said. 'You're going to make yourself hyperventilate. You're over-thinking it. I promise, you'll be fine.'

'I can't do this. I can't,' she insisted. 'I'm going to make a complete fool of myself. Let's just go back. It's not too late- we can just turn around.'

'No,' Draco said. 'You are not turning around, Astoria. You are going to go onto that pitch, and you are going to tryout for Seeker. And don't you dare look at me with those pleading eyes of yours, because that's not going to work on me. You're going onto that pitch if I have to drag you there myself.'

She gulped. 'I'm scared,' she said. 'I've never flown in front of so many people before... and there's loads better fliers than me out here.'

'Don't think about them. Don't think about the crowd, either,' he said. 'Focus on the snitch. That's it. Nothing else matters except that snitch.'

'It's easier said than done,' she muttered, looking slightly green, as if she were going to throw up.

Draco sighed. He grabbed her by the arm and yanked her towards him, his mouth meeting hers. The kiss was hot and fast and when he let go, they were both gasping for breath, and Astoria's face was flushed. 'What was that?' She demanded.

'That, love, is what you have to look forward to after you catch that snitch. But you have to catch it first,' he said, smirking.

'You mean you're giving me an incentive?' She asked, raising her eyebrows. He could tell the idea appealed to her, though.

'Exactly,' he said. 'But you have to catch the snitch.'

Astoria didn't need to be persuaded any further. She all but ran onto the pitch, and Draco took his place in the stands with the few supporters who had bothered to show up. As the players mounted their brooms, he shot Astoria a seductive wink. He could've sworn he saw her smile at him, but they were in the air right after that, and he couldn't have been sure.

Once the team was in the air, it was hard to keep track of Astoria, but he kept a close eye on her and the other person trying out for Seeker. A male Seeker whose name Draco couldn't remember but was pretty sure he was in fifth year. It was irrelevant. The other "Seeker" only posed a threat to Astoria, and Draco badly wanted her to get on the team. Even still, he couldn't deny that the other boy was fast. But hopefully Astoria was faster. And quicker at catching the snitch.

They were only in the air for an hour, but it felt like three. He could barely keep track of Astoria, and it was getting darker, making it harder to see. But then he saw her, soaring towards the ground with the boy Seeker right behind her.

'Go, Tori! Go!' He yelled, hoping she could hear him. The other supporters shot him curious looks, but he ignored them.

Her broom flew in a circle, and then Astoria had something clenched in her fist. The snitch. Nott called an end to the game and the players landed. The boy Seeker threw his broom onto the ground and stomped away. Pathetic, Draco thought as he left the stands.

Astoria raced towards him, snitch still clenched in her fist. He caught her and spun her around. 'You did it!' He said. 'I told you, didn't I? I told you that you'd do it. You just needed a little push.'

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