Chapter Thirty-Three: Rescue

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Chapter Thirty-Three: Rescue  

Ron’s POV

‘How much longer do we have to wait?’ Ron complained, as he paced back and forth in the Headmistress’s Office.

‘Until Goyle gives the signal,’ Harry replied. He was tapping his foot, and he kept checking the clock every few seconds.

‘But it’s been ages,’ Ron said. ‘What if something’s happened?’

Harry sighed, but Ron saw the flicker of fear in his friend’s eyes. ‘Nothing’s happened, Ron,’ he said. ‘We’d know if anything had.’

‘And besides,’ added Astoria, who was absent-mindedly flipping through a book in an armchair across from Harry’s, ‘it’s not even been an hour.’

‘You’d think we’d be allowed in the meeting,’ Ron muttered angrily. ‘It’s not like one of us isn’t the “Savior of the Wizarding World”. Oh, wait. One of us is.’

Harry snorted, and even Astoria smiled a little. ‘You do have a point,’ she said. ‘I get why they won’t let you in Ron. You have a quick temper, and you’re impatient. Not to mention, your sister and your ex-girlfriend are the ones we’re rescuing, so you’re also more prone to lashing out. But you, Harry…’

‘Oh, no,’ Harry said. ‘I don’t want to know what you’re thinking. And I’m not in there because in case you’ve forgotten, Astoria, Ginny is also my girlfriend.’

‘And Hermione’s your best friend,’ Astoria reminded him, unhelpfully. ‘And Ron’s right, you know. You are the Savior of the Wizarding World. You should be in there, even if we can’t be.’

‘Absolutely not,’ Harry said. ‘I know what you’re thinking. I’m not doing it. I refuse to do it.’

‘Please, Harry,’ Ron said. ‘I need to know what’s happening. I can’t just wait out here like this. It’s going to drive me insane.’

‘I’m not doing it,’ Harry said stubbornly, and crossed his arms. ‘And you can stop looking at me like that, Ron. I won’t do it.’

‘Look, Potter. You and Ron aren’t the only ones who care about Ginny and Hermione,’ said Blaise, who had been silent the whole time. He was standing against the wall, his arms crossed. ‘If I don’t find out what’s happening soon, I’m going to barge in there myself.’

Harry glowered at them all. ‘I can’t believe the lot of you,’ he said. ‘Just because I’m the Savior of the Wizarding World or the One Who Lived Twice or whatever it is they’re calling me now, doesn’t mean I have anymore power over a bunch of adults than you three.’

‘Yes, you do,’ Ron said. ‘Come on, Harry. You know you want to know what’s going on just as much as we do. Please? Just try? For Ginny?’

‘I hate you,’ Harry seethed, but he stood up anyway. ‘I hate you all.’

He stormed toward the door. ‘Thank you,’ Ron said, and Harry shot him a venomous look and stormed past him, the door slamming shut behind him.

Ron slumped in Harry’s chair, finally tired of pacing, and tried not to think of what could be happening to his sister, or Hermione. Mostly he just tried not to think at all, and he momentarily forgot that he was mad at his parents for taking his wand away when they arrived. He was glad he didn’t have his wand. With the rage he was feeling, it was highly probable he would’ve ended up doing something stupid and reckless. He could almost hear Hermione telling him to stay calm, but it was hard to stay calm when she and Ginny were in danger…

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