Chapter Twenty-Nine: Family

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Family   

Hermione’s POV

‘I’ve invited the Weasley’s over for supper tomorrow,’ Narcissa announced at dinner the following evening. She had cooked a fantastic Easter dinner, which consisted of mashed potatoes, green beans, ham, and cranberry sauce.

Hermione almost choked on her mouthful of potatoes, and Draco’s fork hit his plate with a loud bang, and Lyra raced out of the room.

All of them?’ Draco asked incredulously, as Hermione took a sip of water. ‘You do realise there are nine of them, right, Mother?’

‘Twelve, actually,’ Hermione corrected, setting her glass down. ‘Bill’s married to Fleur, remember? And I’m sure Percy will want to bring Audrey, if he comes at all, and George may or may not bring Angelina. Charlie won’t come because he’s in Romania, unless he’s come home for the holiday or something, so if he doesn’t come that’s only eleven, but there’s still Mr and Mrs Weasley, Harry, Ron and Ginny. So altogether, there’s twelve.’

‘What a large family,’ Narcissa murmured. ‘Hmm. I didn’t think of that. Well, they all fit in the last time, didn’t they? And we had people here then. If not, we’ll think of something. There are always extension charms that can be used to make more room, as well. I just thought it would be nice to have the Weasley’s here when there’s not other people here.’

‘That’s very nice of you, Narcissa,’ Hermione said carefully. ‘But you really didn’t have to do that. I’m sure the Weasley’s will appreciate it.’

‘I hope so,’ Narcissa said. ‘Percy’s the snobbish one, isn’t he? I remember him. I think I saw him at the Ministry one time. I don’t think I’ve ever met Charlie, though. Was he at the New Years party?’

‘No. He went back to Romania on Boxing Day,’ Hermione said. ‘Charlie never stays for very long. Percy’s snobbish, I agree. But he’s been getting better since…’ She couldn’t say it.

‘Since Fred passed,’ Draco finished for her. He squeezed her hand, and she found it comforting.

‘Yes,’ said Hermione. ‘Anyway, Percy’s found himself a girlfriend. She’s a muggle, apparently, and her name’s Audrey. I haven’t met her yet. And Fleur was one of the Triwizard Champions. She’s French, and part Veela, so she’s very beautiful, of course. She’s about ready to have her baby, I think.’

‘Fleur Delacour? I think I remember her,’ Draco said. ‘That’s the one that Weasel had a crush on, right? That’s hilarious, that his brother got her.’

Hermione scowled. ‘Oh shut up, Draco. He couldn’t exactly help it, could he? She is part Veela,’ she said. 

‘Point taken, but still,’ Draco said. ‘He definitely had a crush on her. It was rather funny to watch.’

‘Oh, really? You were the one cozying up to Krum, if I recall correctly,’ she said haughtily.

‘Yeah, well. Krum was a big deal, wasn’t he? And anyway, “if I recall correctly”, you were the one who went to the Yule Ball with him,’ Draco said. ‘Fraternizing with the enemy, weren’t you?’

‘He wasn’t an enemy. Now you’re just repeating what Ronald said,’ Hermione said. ‘And for your information, he only asked me to the Yule Ball in the first place because I wasn’t interested in him.’

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