Chapter Seven: Hell Hath No Fury

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Chapter Seven: Hell Hath No Fury

Hermione stepped away from Theodore instantly, her cheeks blazing red. Draco saw Theodore smirk, and knew immediately that something was up. Theodore didn't smirk unless he was planning something. And that something usually wasn't good.

'Sorry, mate. I didn't mean to keep Hermione for so long. We just got caught up,' Theo said.

'I'm... I'm just going to use the bathroom for a minute,' Hermione said. 'I'll be right back.'

She kissed Theo on the cheek-much to Draco's annoyance-muttered the password, and went into the Head's Tower. The second she disappeared behind the door, Draco rounded on Nott, fists clenched.

'What the Hell, Nott?' He demanded, glaring at him. What do you think you're playing at?'

'Calm down, Malfoy. Don't be so mad,' Theo said, shaking his head at him as if he thought Draco was acting like a child. 'Last I checked, I was allowed to do what I wanted.'

'I don't know what you think you're doing,' Draco said slowly, through his teeth. 'But I don't trust you.'

'I don't trust you either, Malfoy,' Theo said, narrowing his eyes. 'I'd tell you my plans, but since you were so insistent on sticking up for her earlier, I don't think I will.'

'What plans?' Draco demanded. 'And just because I might've been sticking up for her doesn't mean we're friends or anything. I have to support House Unity or otherwise McGonagall will have my hide. Insulting her wasn't going to help me.'

Theo shrugged. 'Makes sense, I guess,' he said. 'Alright, then, I think I will tell you why I'm going out with her.'

'Why are you? I thought you hated the Trio more than I did, and that's saying a lot,' Draco said.

'I do. It's all a trick, see? I'm going to get the Mudblood to date me for a couple of months behind Potter and Weasley's backs. I'll get her to fall for me and she'll tell me loads of secrets about Potter and Weasley and such. And then I'm going to tell them that their precious Granger has been lying to them for months. They'll ask her if it's true, and you know she won't be able to lie to them,' he said. 'Then I'll spread a bunch of rumors about her and make her look like a whore in front of the whole school. After I get what I want from her, then I'll break up with her and humiliate her.'

'Why would you do that?' He demanded. 'What's the point in it? Not that I don't think it's a brilliant idea, I do. It's just... sort of pointless.'

'I will destroy the Golden Trio for good,' Theo said, as if he'd just announced that he was going to have a cup of tea. 'The first part of the plan has already been a success. The second part is in motion now. I won't tell you anymore. And now, I must be off.'

Then, without another word, Theodore turned and left, leaving Draco staring after him, open-mouthed and horrified.

When Hermione came out a minute later, Draco already had his own plan forming. He wasn't going to allow Nott to destroy the Golden Trio. Not if he could help it.


It was a little after midnight, and most of the Gryffindor dormitory had been fast asleep for hours now, but Harry Potter couldn't sleep. He was wide-awake, and pacing the common room when an unfamiliar owl fluttered in through the window and landed in front of him.

The owl was carrying a letter addressed to him.

Confused, Harry took the letter from the owl, summoned an owl treat, fed it to the owl, and sat down on the sofa in front of the dying fire. He half-expected the letter to fan mail-he'd been getting quite a lot of it lately; apparently people enjoyed sending him letters thanking him for killing Voldemort-but it wasn't. It looked as if the letter had been hastily written, and it read the following:

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