Chapter Nineteen: Zabini Manor

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Chapter Nineteen: Zabini Manor

Astoria's POV

In the dream, Astoria was drowning. She could hear voices-familiar voices-talking to her, but when she tried to speak, it felt like someone was choking her, and she could not answer. She was aware of everything happening around her. She'd heard Draco's voice, and Blaise's and that Granger's. She'd even heard Daphne's voice once, mocking her, bragging about her and that Nott boy's plans, how no one was going to be able to stop them. She remembered hoping that Draco was able to interpret her note. Maybe he would be able to do something-he was so much braver than she was.

She didn't know how long it had been when she finally stopped drowning. But when she opened her eyes, she was staring at the Hospital Wing ceiling, and she could feel the pressure of someone's hands wrapped around hers.


That was Draco's voice. It sounded strained, like he was trying not to cry. 'Tori? Can you... can you hear me?'

She nodded, and was delighted when she found that she actually could. 'Dr-' she tried to say his name, but her mouth was too dry, and she hadn't spoken in such a long time. She licked her lips, and tried again. 'Draco.'

There was a sharp intake of breath, and the hand-his hand?-squeezed her fingers more tightly. 'You have no idea how good it is to see your eyes open,' he said, and she could hear the relief in his voice.

So he does care about me, she thought, smiling. 'What happened?' She asked, her voice coming more easily to her.

'You were found on the sixth floor corridor,' said another familiar voice. 'Mr Potter brought you here, and Mr Zabini figured out that you were given a Tropere Potion, and he and Miss Granger have worked the last four months on a cure.'

'Professor McGonagall?' Astoria asked, surprised. She tried to move, to sit up, but she couldn't, and it was very frustrating. 'Draco, can you help me sit up? If I'm allowed, that is?'

There was some shuffling of feet, and then his face loomed above hers. He looked tired, but relieved. He slid his hand under her waist, and helped her sit up a little. She only needed a little bit of help, and then she did the rest on her own. Once she was in the right position, she looked around the room. Familiar faces surrounded her. Madam Pomfrey. Blaise. Professor McGonagall. Even that Hermione Granger, the goodie-two shoes. She remembered what Draco had said about her... what Nott was planning. She didn't hate her anymore, and she would let him be friends with her, but that didn't mean she had to like her.

'Hello, Miss Greengrass,' said Professor McGonagall. 'It is such a relief to see you awake. Your parents will be thrilled.'

She felt sick at the mention of her parents, because thinking about them made her think about Daphne. That traitorous... witch! She thought angrily. I can't believe she actually wanted to kill me! 'My parents? Have they visited me?' She asked.

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