Chapter Fourteen: The Worst Nightmare

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Chapter Fourteen: The Worst Nightmare


Draco’s POV



Halloween was fast approaching, and Draco could feel his nerves kicking in as he walked down to the Great Hall. He could hardly believe it had already been a full month since he had returned to Hogwarts. It felt more like a year. But time had always gone by quickly at Hogwarts, and he had been used to it ever since his First Year. Still, that didn’t mean he wasn’t a little amazed at how quickly time could fly by.

At last, Draco reached the doors leading into the Great hall, and froze. He was about to eat his first meal in public since Astoria’s attack, but his return would be nothing compared to the staring that would happen as soon as he sat down at the Gryffindor table with Hermione.

Don’t be a coward, Draco told himself, and then he took a deep breath, and pushed the doors open.

Everyone stared at him as he walked down the aisles, and then he reached the Gryffindor table, and approached a wide-eyed Hermione.

She looked even more surprised when he sat down, and for a moment, everyone held their breath. He began buttering a piece of toast, making it clear he was not leaving, and once they decided nothing was going to happen, they all went back to their normal conversations as if nothing had happened. Of course, they were all probably whispering about him now.

‘What are you doing here?’ Asked Hermione in an undertone.

He smirked. ‘Am I not allowed to sit with you? I thought that’s what we were supposed to be doing, supporting House Unity,’ he said.

‘Y-yes, but it’s just rather sudden, that’s all,’ she stuttered.

He finished buttering a piece of toast and started eating. Hermione returned to her breakfast just as Luna Lovegood approached the table.

‘Hello, Luna,’ said Harry, across from where he and Hermione sat. He had been watching them with interest just a moment ago, but now his attention was on the newcomer.

‘Hello,’ said Luna. ‘Do you mind if I sit here, too?’

Neville Longbottom, sitting on Harry’s right, brightened considerably. ‘Of course you can sit here,’ he said.

Luna sat down on Hermione’s right, directly across form Longbottom, and began scooping eggs onto her plate.

‘I think House Unity is lovely, don’t you?’ Draco whispered to Hermione. She nearly choked on her eggs, and had to take a drink of water before she answered.

‘Yes, it is,’ she said. ‘I am a bit surprised that you were the one to start it, though. I thought I would have to do all the work.’

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