Chapter 7

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I don't know why I was so nervous, I was only gonna hang out with a bunch of dudes like it's not that bad. One of them is kinda a creepy perv, the other has a gross mullet, one is really quiet and the other is really extremely cute.

I blushed when I thought about him, but I can't let my guard down around any of them, I have this weird feeling that something bad is going to happen, but I'm not sure what.

I sat outside on my front porch steps messing with my bracelet, I was so nervous. He was just a stupid boy I shouldn't be like this.

After at least a half hour of sitting and walking back and forth I heard a car drive up to my driveway and stop.

Henry stuck his head out of the passenger seat.

"Hey loser let's go," and he sat back down.

I walked up to the car and was confused because the four of them were all sitting nicely and there was absolutely no room for me to sit anywhere.

I opened the door and looked at victor.

"Um so where do I sit?,"

The tall one with the curly hair laughed at me.

"You can sit on my lap cutie," He winked.

I faked a gag and Victor chuckled at it. He moved over so I wouldn't have to sit right by the creepy one.

The car was pretty cramped and uncomfortable, and apparently they like to drive around Derry for fun so who knows how long I'd be stuck up next to a door and halfway sitting on Victor. It was kind of embarrassing.

After a few hours of awkward silence, random inappropriate comments and idiot boys talking about doing stupid things, they dropped me back off at my house.

Victor walked me to my door. Awe what a gentleman. I thought.

I unlocked my door.

"Hey I'm sorry about today, Patrick can be kind of a dick,"

So that's his name.

I looked at him.

"Its cool I guess, it's better than being stuck in my house all alone ya know,"

We stood there for a second till he finally spoke up.

"Well I gotta go, we should hang out soon, but just you and me," I noticed him blush as he said that.

I smiled.

"Yeah sure,"

He smiled at me and said goodbye and started walking back to the car.

"Wait!" I said kinda loud.

He turned around and looked at me. I blushed being kind of embarrassed that I was being so loud.

I ran inside and grabbed a pen and ran back out to him as fast as I could.

"Give me your arm,"

He didn't ask questions and just gave me his arm. What a weirdo. I wrote my number down so he could get ahold of me.

"Bye," I said and smiled.

He smiled back and winked, turned around and got in the car.

I could hear the boys yell at him and laugh as they drove away.

After they left I locked the door and let out a breath.

Atleast they bought me lunch. I smiled thinking about how he wanted to hang out with me again.

I could get used to hanging out with them. They aren't that bad I guess. But I also don't know them that well.

I slipped off my shoes and threw myself on the couch and watched TV for the rest of the day before dinner.

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