Chapter 2

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I walked into the cafeteria with my lunch looking for a place to sit. Looking around every group of people have their own table.

All of the Jocks sit together, cheerleaders, nerds, preps, losers. The main problem is that I don't know where to sit. I don't really identify with any group of people and I haven't exactly made any friends yet.

I walked around the large room just looking for a place to sit, anywhere would be good enough for me at this point.

I made eye contact with a girl with red hair, she smiled at me and motioned for me to come sit across from her.

Finally someone nice. I thought.

I walked over to her and sat down.

"Hi I'm Beverly Marsh," the girl said.

"Hi I'm F/N L/N, nice to meet you Beverly." I said and smiled at her. She started to eat her lunch so I did the same.

There was so much small talk but it was nice to have someone actually be nice to you once in a while so I let her talk and I nodded my head in response to what she would say.

After lunch was over she gave me her number so I could call her later if I wanted to.

I walked myself to my next few classes and made it through more introductions and people whispering about me.

The end of the day came much quicker than I thought it would. It was relieving but it also ment I had to serve my detention for punching that bitch in the face. I don't regret a thing she was asking for it.

I walked into the room to see everyone's eyes on me. I looked away from them and went to the teacher that was in the room. He checked me off the list and pointed to a desk to sit at.

"Over there next to Criss," he pointed to a bleach blonde boy with a green jacket.

I walked over to him and sat down at the desk next to him setting my bag on the floor. He turned and looked at me for a second before looking away.

I shoved that off and grabbed my sketchbook out of my bag along with some pencils that I brought along with me.

I opened it up and started drawing out some animals.

The room stayed silent till the teacher excused himself to leave and use the bathroom. After he walked out of the room and closed the door everyone started talking to one another.

The blonde boy next to me leaned over and looked at my artwork.

"That's pretty good,"

"Thanks," I said without looking at him.

"So your the girl who punched Greta, what's your name?"

"It's Y/N now would you please leave me alone," I turned and looked at him giving him a fake smile.
That's when I finally saw his features. Beautiful eyes, great facial structure, amazing hair.

I shook myself back to reality when I realized I was staring at him. He chuckled to himself and leaned back into his seat.

Detention was over about an hour later. I grabbed my belongings and put them in my bag and walked out behind Criss if that's his name.

Three boys were waiting outside the room for him and they greeted him.

The first had a brown mullet, ew, I don't like him already, I thought to myself. He did have pretty eyes though.

The second one was taller with black longer hair, he seemed really weird.

The third was bigger had a hat and a soft face, he looked like a nice guy but I know he wasn't. I've never once met a nice guy in my life, they're all huge dicks.

I turned and walked the opposite way once they noticed me looking at them.

Luckily for me I ran into a fimilar face, Beverly.

"Hey," I said and gave her a smile and started walking a bit faster so she did the same.

"Hey," she responded.

"May I ask who those guys are back there,"

"Oh that's Henry Bowers and his gang, Patrick, Blech and Victor, id stay far away from them," she warned me.

"Alright thanks," I said.

She walked me out of the school and I headed down the route I took this morning to get to school.

It took me longer to get home because I was so lost in my thoughts. So much happened today that I didn't know what to think.

I opened the front door to have my mom yell at me for getting in trouble the first day. I just zoned her out of my mind and didn't listen to her annoying voice and headed upstairs to my room.

I sat down and took out my journal, I wrote everything that happened today every little detail. I made note of that Victor guy. There was something about him that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

I also made note that I was to stay far away from him. But now I don't know who to trust. He seemed nice to me today but the Beverly was even nicer to me.

I closed my book and put in my normal hiding spot under some boxes in my closet and got ready for bed.

I laid down ignoring the yelling coming from downstairs. She probably caught dad banging another whore again. I put my pillow over my head to muffle out the sounds of what was going to be along night.

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