Chapter 3

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I set my stuff down in the art room, right before lunch I have art class which is nice. But since I only have four more days to enjoy it, it's not gonna be that fun.

I was already so behind in all of the projects that the teacher assigned so here I am doing whatever the fuck I want.

That reality was quickly altered.

"Alright for your finals I'm pairing you with another who has a different art style than your own," the old female teacher with round glasses and hair that's slowly failing out said. She didn't look quite okay.

She paired me up with the only bleach blonde boy in the class, of course it had to be him. This is almost like a cliche romance novel.

He came over and sat by me.

"Hello again," he said.

I rolled my eyes. I literally could have been paired up with someone else. I got out my pencils and started drawing what our project was, which was to draw a still life of the other person.

I sketched him out quiet fast since I'm naturally very good at art.

It was his turn now to sketch me out. It was awkward having him look at me for the rest of class because it took him so long.

After the bell rang I got out of that class as quickly as possible and ended up running into someone actually causing me to fall down on the floor.

"Sorry," I quickly said. I looked up at who I bumped and it was the tall guy will curly hair that's friends with the blonde.

"Sure you are," he said kind of snobby. I wanted to punch him. I picked myself up off the ground since he wasn't helping me anytime soon.

Goddamn boys are so dumb.

I found  Beverly at lunch again and sat across from her at the table.

"You seem stressed Y/N, are you okay?"

I guess she noticed that I wasn't eating my food but just stabbing it with the fork.

"Bev, that guy Victor I swear he's everywhere and it's driving me crazy. First it's detention, now it's art class," I complained to her.

"Don't worry about it you only have 4 more days left," she reassured me.

I guess that made me feel a bit better but not really.

The rest of the day went by fast since summer break is only in a few days the teachers don't really want to assign any work.

The bad part though is that Victor has not left my mind all day. There's just something about him that I can't quite put my finger on.

I walked home by myself but a little later than normal cause I needed some books from the library, I passed an old fenced in house. It was very run down.

Something about it was drawing me in but I don't know what. After a few seconds of staring I saw eyes in the window and it snapped me back to reality.

I shook my head and continued my walk home.

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