CHAPTER 20: As You Need

Start from the beginning

Sam obliged and gently closed her eyes. Hannah on the other hand began reading her book. They were waiting for the clock to strike 7, to follow King Cocaine's guys. 'I think we'd really make a good couple.' Hannah mentally chuckled at the thought as she watched Sam's face intently for a while and then back to the book she's reading.


"Sam, wake up, they're here." She woke Sam up and Sam immediately opened her eyes. "They're by the bar."

"Well, I think I'll need a drink. Do you like one? A gimlet, perhaps?" Sam chuckled at the last statement, remembering the second time she met Hannah – at a bar, drinking gimlet.

"Their finest gimlet, please." Hannah chuckled along.

"I'll spy on them, you just stay here and familiarize the guys. Okay?" Sam instructed.

"Okay. You take care, okay?" Hannah stated with concern and Sam just nodded as response and headed to the bar.

Hannah continued reading her book while stealing glances at Sam and the other guys every now and then.

Almost an hour had passed and Sam was still at the bar counter, a few seats away from where the two guys are talking.

"Hannah?" Someone called her. It was already dark and the side of the beach where she was sitting was poorly lighted. She turned her head to look for the owner of the voice.

"Hannah! It's you! Fancy meeting you here!" The person exclaimed.

"Prince!" Hannah exclaimed and immediately stood up to hug the guy. "Wow! It's been forever!" She chuckled.

Prince chuckled along. "What brings you here?"

"Well, I'm on vacation." Hannah replied. 'Doesn't he know I'm 'dead'?' Hannah thought.

"Wow. So glad you now have the time for that!"

"Well, I was kinda in a slump and my captain rewarded me with this." That was an honest excuse if this scene would've taken a few months ago.

Prince chuckled. "You deserve a break din no."

Hannah chuckled along. "Anyway, what brings you here Prince? Where's Dennise?"

"Well, Dennise is not here with me today. I came to Cebu City with my family to settle some business matter. We only came here because we heard this was a new place. Pretty cool, I must say." Prince said.

Hannah just smiled and stole a quick glance to where Sam was. It was dark and she couldn't see Sam clearly but is that anger in her face? Hannah dismissed it anyway.

"I kinda missed you Hannah." Prince chuckled.

"Yeah, I had no other person to talk to except for my sister who's a million miles away, and well, my colleagues." Hannah honestly admitted.

"Why don't you call Judy and Mari?" Prince replied. Judy and Mari were Hannah's first friends in the Philippines.

"But I know they're busy. So I don't bother."

"But atleast try, I'm sure they'll have time for you." Prince encouraged.

"Some other time." Hannah replied with a wide smile and Prince reciprocated it.

"Babe, this is their finest gimlet." Sam called her attention from her back – emphasizing the word 'babe'.

Both Hannah and Prince turned to face her. 'Is she jealous? She sounds so jealous right now. Cute.' Hannah thought.

Hannah accepted the glass and smiled widely at Sam before pulling her closer. "Babe, I'd like you to meet Prince." Hannah told Sam, finally saying the word 'babe'. "He's my ex boyfriend."

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