Twilight [Paul X Reader] pt. II

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Summary: You're pretty content being the imprint of a wolf, but juggling friendships between the wolves and Cold Ones was a bit trickier than first expected.

Warnings: Bit of Violence. Language.


With the return of the Cullen's in March came a lot more tension within the pack right at the start of Spring break. Jacob Black was in love with Bella Swan, but Bella was in love with Edward Cullen. And since the wolves could hear one another's thoughts when they were shifted, Leah Clearwater was not impressed with Jacob's moping and the entire pack was not impressed with Leah's bitter attitude. The pack was a mess, and though you were an imprint you found that you wanted no part in their personal drama, and sometimes tried to steer Paul clear of it as well.

And speaking of Paul, you and him were going pretty strong. Emily thought you and Paul were absolutely adorable, and the Pack just found watching the two of you interact to be absolutely entertaining. Because apparently Sam and Emily were the norm when it came to imprints, and then there was you and Paul who almost always butted heads and refused to back down when either of you thought you were right and the other was wrong. But then minutes later, you'd be grinning and laughing and settling down in his lap where he pulled you and it'd be as if nothing had happened.

But thankfully Spring Break was upon you and your mom decided she wanted to take a mini road trip since she had three days off. Paul was disgruntled with you just up and leaving, but no amount of his pouting or misplaced anger would change your mind. You enjoyed your time away, calling and texting Paul when you woke up and before you went to bed. So when it was time to head home, you were quite excited to see his rough mug.

After dropping off your mom and collecting some knick-knacks she picked up along the way for Emily, you head on over to the familiar home tucked into the woods. Emily greets you with open arms- arms which you readily push a bag into. She's momentarily confused until you tell her it's a bunch of jewelry your mom thought she might like that you found at small shops here and there. Emily was very grateful, readily putting on a leather bracelet that had a wolf stamped into it that you had first bought as a joke.

"So did you have fun?" Emily asks as you take a seat in her living room.

"Yeah. It was nice to just drive and sunbathe, and reassure my mom that Paul and I are not going at it like rabbits."

Emily gives you a double take. "W-What!?"

"She's super convinced that Paul and I are boning nonstop." You laugh, highly amused at Emily's expression.

"And you're okay with that?"

You shrug. "Well yeah. Mom's a doctor, Em. I know all about the consequences and everything. I've been prepared since I was sixteen. And after my dad passed, my mom and I have no secrets. I'm comfortable with her knowing what's going on in my life."

"I see." She goes quiet, picking through her gifts as she avoids eye contact. Eventually she asks, "Well are you? You and Paul, I mean."

You grin at her. "Unfortunately no. We want to, but my mom's home every night and we don't want to risk her hearing." You see Emily's facade crack and the two of you end up giggling. "I'm, uh, also kind of nervous to just go for it because of the whole pack mind sharing thing. I don't want Paul to think of something and the other guys see me naked."

"I know that feeling," Emily muses. "Fortunately for us, Sam is the alpha and Paul has a temper on him that has the others hesitant to poke too much fun at him. But even then," she goes on to assure you, "you're an imprint. There's just some things that are off limits and the boys respect that."

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