TB/Marvel [Eric X Reader] pt. 2

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Imagine going home for your sister's wedding with plans to lay low for a while, only for the drama to follow you all the way back to Bon Temps.

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Waking up the following morning, you groan aloud as you stretch in your bed before sitting up and taking a mental stock of your body. You're surprised at how well rested you feel and are grateful you're not feeling the aches and pains from the previous night. And speaking of last night, your hand flies to the spot where you remember Eric had bitten down and faintly smile as you feel two round puckered scars.

You get up and gather some clothes, intent on taking a cool shower since your sister apparently didn't like using the air conditioning unit Eric had installed in the house. If there was one thing you hated more than the nosy locals it was the Louisiana heat and humidity, but it seemed your sister had become immune to it and rarely set the temperature lower than seventy-five.

Freshly showered, you then head downstairs in a thin tank top, short jean shorts with your damp hair hanging loose around your shoulders and feet bare. Sookie is in the kitchen, plating up some breakfast and you smile at her as she passes you a plate.

"Sleep well?" She asks.

She's not as annoyed or angry as she was last night, so you answer her honestly. "Yeah. I've had plenty of sex dreams, Sook. This one was no different."

"Yeah, but.. it's Eric." She pouts and you can't help but laugh.

"I know you have a past with him, but that vampire is one fine ass specimen." Sookie mockingly gags and you quickly plate yourself some eggs and bacon. "And besides, we made a deal only for the duration of my stay in Louisiana. I doubt he'll want to keep up the blood exchanges while I'm off avenging."

"As long as you know what you're getting yourself into."

"I don't have a clue, but that's all part of being human. Making mistakes and learning from them."

Sookie seems to come to terms with your choice and the two of you enjoy breakfast while talking about the next day's events. The wedding and reception was to take place outside, so Sam, Jason and a bunch of their friends were coming over to start setting everything up. Until then, however, you and Sookie cleaned up the kitchen and made a pitcher of iced tea so you could enjoy later on while dictating where to put what from the shade of the porch.

Sam and Jason show up around ten that morning, followed by a few of Jason's friends from the construction site he worked on. Another man by the name of Alcide showed up and Sookie had a good laugh when you gaped as soon as his shirt had come off while unloading tables and chairs from his truck. For lunch, Sookie had several trays of sandwiches delivered. You had dragged out ice chests filled with water and gatorades, and you had to make another two pitches of sweet tea when the men guzzled that in between setting up.

Later on, as the sun's going down, you're sitting on the porch railing while Sookie glides back and forth on the porch swing, fanning herself as she keeps an eye on everyone milling about when a vehicle too fancy for the likes of Bon Temps pulls into the driveway.

"YN, you expecting anyone?"

You squint in the direction of the fancy SUV and hop off the railing. "Nope." You stop Sookie from swinging, quickly taking a seat and pulling free the glock from underneath.

"Christ on a cracker!" She exclaims. "Did you plant guns all over the house?"

"Yep. Now if they're friendly, keep your mind quiet. They don't know about you being fae and I rather keep it that way because sooner or later they'll try to drag you into the fight."

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