TW [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine being kidnapped at a young age and then returned to your family some years later after being rescued. Only difference is that you're not the same as you once were.

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Sitting in the passenger seat of Steve Rogers' car, you stare out the windshield at the Beacon Hills Police Department.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, kid? You can always stay with us a little longer until you're more comfortable on your own."

You sigh before faintly grinning. "Thanks, Captain, but I haven't seen my family since I was seven years old. I think it's time."

"Okay. As long as you're sure." You nod at him and he collects a file from the center console before unbuckling himself.

Hesitantly following Steve's motions, you exit the passenger side of the car and shut the door behind you. You gulp as you continue to stare at the police department of your hometown, shaking your hair loose so it messily frames your face before pulling up the hood of your jacket. Steve snorts a short laugh, but doesn't bother reprimanding you for hiding since you felt more comfortable that way. You follow behind him towards the door, entering the station as he holds the door open for you and then walking behind him once more when he heads towards the receptionist's desk.

The man looks up from his computer screen, giving Steve a double take before his eyes widen. "C-Captain Rogers!" He clears his throat and tries to visibly calm himself. "How can we help you today, sir?"

"I need to speak with the Sheriff. It's quite urgent."

"Of course." You peer around Steve to watch the receptionist pick up the phone, pressing a button and quickly explaining Captain Rogers' presence. He hums and nods, and then hangs up the phone. "The Sheriff is free now. If you'll just, uh, walk down this hallway behind me it opens up to a room full of desks. The Sheriff's office is at the back of the room. You can't miss it."

"Thank you."

As you follow Steve, you keep your gaze on his back and hands tucked in your pockets. When you enter the room and all chatter seems to momentarily stop, your heart picks up speed. Then when Steve comes to a stop further into the room to knock on the door and a gruff, "Enter," is said, it feels like your stomach completely drops.

You remain behind Steve, heart in your throat while the two men greet each other.

"Captain Rogers," you hear the Sheriff say. "I must say this is a surprise."

Steve chuckles. "Trust me, sir, this surprise pales in comparison to the reason for my visit."

"Yeah? And what's that?"

"Your daughter, sir. YN Stilinski. My team and I have found her."

There's a tense moment of silence before Steve steps aside and you gulp before glancing up. Your father is a lot older than you remember, eyes already red rimmed as his gaze falls on you. Pushing the jacket hood off your head, you offer him a wobbly smile. "Hi, dad."

"YN?" You nod, vision filling with tears as he releases a strangled sob before rushing around his desk and pulling you into his arms. You pull your hands free from your pockets and wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him tight in return. "Where the hell have you been, kiddo?"

The question causes you to cry some more as you shake your head against his chest and Steve clears his throat. "Sir, the events your daughter has been through is a very touchy subject for her. She anticipated the question and we've put together a file for you to go through on your own time." Placing the file on the desk, Steve then glances at you and offers you a small smile. "I'm happy to have reunited the two of you, but I should get back to my team as soon as possible."

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