I whirl around, bending down and looking. "Nope! Empty hamper, but I found my flats!"

"Alright, I'm coming!"

I sit down on the floor as Robert closes the door behind him.

"Everything is on the bed." He notes. "Including the bra."

"We have to get rid of her. Or make sure the group knows not to swear or make the usual inappropriate jokes." I say.

"I'll send the texts. You planning on showering?" Robert scans through the closet, pulling out a dark blue button-up.

I wrinkle my nose. "Washes you out. I'll probably use some dry shampoo and work on some curl, showers all yours."

"Sounds good." He says, putting the shirt back.

"Go with this one," I say as I get up, pulling out a hanger with a nice white button-down on it.

"Gee I'm shocked." Robert leans down and kisses me. "Dibs on the bathroom."

I gasp mockingly. "But my hair!"

"I'll bring you the stuff, that's why we have a big ass mirror." He says.

"You're the best," I say, stretching up and kissing him.

Robert smiles, taking the hanger and the rest of his clothes. "Get dressed. I won't be long, so you can do what you need when I'm out."

I watch him close the door and turn to the dress on the bed, changing quickly and checking my reflection.

My eyes widen, then throw open the door and dash down the hall, pounding on the bathroom door.


"Babe, now please!" I say loudly.

The door cracks just a bit. "What? I was about to get in."

"I need my makeup kit. Emergency."

"It can wait," Robert says.

"No, it can't. I have five hickeys on my thighs that need to get covered up." I hiss.

"Just a sec." Robert backs away from the door.

I glance towards the living room as my makeup case sticks out from the bathroom.

"Thanks." I take the case and run back to the bedroom.


I tap my fingers on my glass, my lips pursed.

"Everything okay?" Mariah asks.

"Yeah. Just, it's odd. Seeing her try to mingle with you guys." I say, sipping my drink.

"I think she's nice."

I nod. "Which means she isn't being herself. Did I mention that when Rob and I finished getting ready she had the TV blasting JoyFM?"

"Yikes." Mariah shakes her head.

"I just hope she tires out and goes back to her hotel, so we can actually party." I say.

"It can't be that bad."

I rock my head to the side to look at my friend.

"Kay-bear! Meredith and I were wondering what size ring you wear." Jaime says as she walks over.

"Umm, I'm actually not sure," I say.

"Well, let's see. Can I -?" Meredith points at my ring.

I wiggle my ring off and hold it out. "You just want a closer look?" I ask teasingly.

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