Chapter 14 "True love"

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"Paul, you can't-" He took a deep breath, and then turned to Brian. "Now..." He said to him.

Brian nodded, and then he gestured John to do something to me which I didn't get at first, but then I did realize what he meant; I saw John walking over me. He suddenly held me still, and tucked my arms behind me at the same time Brian and Damian grabbed Victoria quickly. She kicked and screamed, and wouldn't let them grab her, but they were way stronger, so Damian was able to get her out of the room by himself. I let go of John's arms quickly, but Brian stopped me by shutting the door; I ran to the window to see how Damian got Victoria inside a cab. Didn't the taxi cab driver notice that it isn't normal to carry a girl crying and screaming out of a house?

"I'm so sorry Paul..." John looked down.

"I don't want to hear you..." I said with my eyes still lost on the big window. It started raining; it made it ten times sadder.

"Paul, I know you hate us right now, but you'll thank me later" Brian said as he stood behind me, and place a hand on my shoulder.

"This isn't over yet..." I mumbled.

"What?" John asked.

"You think now I'm back in the group?" I turned to Brian. "Well I'm not! I'm going to fight for her...I'm serious..." I said the last phrase with my voiced cracking.

"Brian...I think I regret helping in this..." John said to Brian as he looked at me. "Paul is suffering right now...and I've never seen my friend like this"

"John, are you joking? Paul is not thinking correctly! He's got a deep connection with a girl for the first time, and he's losing the ground. It's completely normal. He'll be okay...I promise" Said Brian.

"You both can leave me alone now..." I said.

They nodded, and left the house.

I'm very hurt. I would expect that coming from Brian, but not from my best friend. I don't care what they all say. I don't care what I'll need to do in order to be back with Victoria. I can steal her again, and I won't care about the big chaos I could cause.

Victoria's P.O.V.

I haven't stopped crying since Damian pulled me from Paul's arms. I cried all the way to the hotel where Damian had been staying at. Maybe I was doing little girl's tantrums, but come on; he basically took a big happiness out of my life.

"Why did you do this? and don't tell me the same thing!" I screamed still crying my lungs out when we got to the hotel room.

"Shush. Victoria, please. If you don't stop your crying, people are going to think I'm hurting you" He said holding my face trying to make me calm down.

"Answer me!" I screamed louder pushing his hands away. "AND YES YOU'RE HURTING ME! BECAUSE YOU'RE DOING THIS TO ME!"

"Victoria..." He sighed. You're hurting me too. I still can't forget how I failed in taking care of you like I should have; it hurts me to think you've been with him all this time. You, my innocent little sister lost her innocence to a perv musician who only wants to satisfy his needs.

"You know that's not true...he loves me" I mumbled.

"Well I don't care anymore!"

I could see in his eyes that he was hurt; that was true because I know him too well.

"I'm sorry you're feeling like this, but one thing I'm telling you is...this is real. I don't care if I have to wait until I'm 18. I will be with him" I told him once I stopped crying.

"We'll see until then, but I'm sure you'll be okay without him now"

It made me so mad to hear that, so I didn't say anything else; I just laid in the bed, grabbed a pillow, and hugged it 'till I fell asleep.

The next morning, Damian wasn't around when I woke up which was good because I didn't want to talk to him of even see him.

I walked to the nearest mirror in the room to look at myself in the reflection; I knew that I would probably look horrible because I'd have swollen eyes from the crying from the night before. And yes, I was right; my eyes looked like two mushrooms.

Again, less than twenty-four hours without Paul, and I already miss him like crazy...I have no idea how I am supposed to wait 3 years for him...

I was ready to start crying again when suddenly, I heard a noise coming from outside; I heard some yelling. I was staying in the third floor of the hotel, but I could still hear some fragments of a conversation. I walked to the window to see if I could hear something closely, but little did I know that it was Damian and Paul screaming at each other!

"God..." I gasped.

"NO! I'M HERE FOR HER, AND I DON'T CARE!" Paul yelled.

I never doubted we were meant for each other, and that he loves me as much as I do, but when I saw him there, and heard his desperate words, I felt a warm sensation on my heart to realize once again, that he is my true love...


sorry i took like 10 days :c until next time <3


I've Just Seen A Face 💕Paul McCartneyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin