"It's not a special trick", the dark haired boy snorted next to him.

"Your blood finds ghosts", Scott deadpanned.

"Maybe it also finds dumb asses. Where are your pants?"

"Hey, nobody has to see me from the waist down right now. I packed all my good pants."

"Why are you going to college so far away?", Hal asked, punching his friend in the shoulder.

"Tiff got into—"

"Tiffany can suck my dick."

"I— cut. Mason, cut the camera off."

"Oh, sorry."

"What am I even paying you for?"

"You barely pay me!"

"...punk ass bitch."


"College sucks ass, but my roommate is cool. Oh, wait, he's coming back. I gotta go."


"This is my roommate, Alex. He's been keeping me company, because the guys downstairs don't find Thal scary enough to let in."

"Uh, hi. Scott, I really don't feel comfortable with that camera around."

"Oh, no worries. I won't post it, promise."


"Today on the Mystery Kids channel, we have a new member!"

"Can't believe you tricked someone into hanging out with you long enough to get to this point."

"I— ow, Thalia. Shut up."

"I'm just saying."

"Why are you dressed like that?"

"Stop being an overprotective brother", Daphne tsked, smacking her friend upside the head.

"I just want her to put on my jacket. These people suck. Mason, agrees with me, right?"

"Don't you dare."

"I don't know, it does kind of show your tits a little, Thal."

"Damn, tell the world then", Thalia grumbled.

"How does it feel to have three dads, Thal?", Hal snickered.

"Oh, fuck y'all!"

"Anyway, this is Estelle. She can read dead languages. Plus, she's really smart."

"I wouldn't say really smart."

"You make straight A's", Daphne pointed out.

"You guys—"


"This is my new friend, Danika. We've been hanging out for a couple months now—"

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