You're Beautiful

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'You're horrid and ugly', she says.
Then you walk away hanging your head.
Fighting with the tears stinging your eyes.
Trying your best not to believe her lies.

You heard him call you fat and then laugh behind your back.
You went home to starve yourself for another day.
'Why won't they stop treating me this way?'

Pulling on your favorite jeans and top.
You walk outside only to see them glaring and you stop.
Knocked to the ground, you can no longer feel the blows.
The pain is numbing.
'How I wish they could know.'

The screaming and shouting echoing through the walls of your house.
You scatter and hide.
'Will I make it to my room alive?'

Pressing shut the door you stand face to face with your biggest threat.
This is how it began.
This is how you were wrecked.

I stand in front of you peering at you just the same.
I am your reflection after all, do you have something to say?

You stare at me through those tearful eyes.
Once, sometime ago, they were so filled with light.
'What are you doing? Don't use that blade!'
Can't you hear me? I'm trying to pursuade.

'Please put it down!' You hear me call out.
Your hands are shivering, shaking in doubt.
'You're beautiful the way you are, take a look at yourself, for a start.'

'They lack the tenderness that you have inside you.
You can change the sky from grey to blue.
You have a personality that can bring smiles to sad faces.
And when someone's happiness is gone, you always replace it.
Look at the fire burning inside. Where is the joy gone?
You have nothing to hide.'

'You are beautiful for who you are, which is a soul more beautiful than them all by far.
Their tongues do not hold beauty's definition.
What happened to your burning ambitions?'

With a small smile and confidence renewed, you look straight at me.

There it is, that enticing beauty.
You can be bold and strong.
Who said you haven't been beautiful all along?

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