Untitled Part 20

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I let myself break for you multiple times. I told myself that no matter what, I would try.
Things could work if we wanted them to badly enough.
But it seemed like I'd have to change all different stuff.

I looked in the mirror and saw myself fading away, and a new, sadder me taking its place.
Things became routine, not how we wanted them to be.
The picture we painted, a future so bright, if it wasn't what you wanted, could have just told me.

Waking up with puffy eyes every night wasn't where I saw myself in three years.
I was naive, believed I could be happy.
Took me till today to realize, maybe one day I still can be.
But I need to be set free.

Life will change me.
That change is coming soon. It could be good, maybe bad. I know for sure it will make some people mad.

If we still know each other at that time, reach out to me.
Tell me how you're doing and what you've achieved.
Tell me stories about what's changed, what's new and what has always been the same.
Tell me about your last birthday, the pretty girl you saw down by the lake.

Make me miss you again in a few years time. Make me remember why I wanted you to be mine.

Because I really do believe this was meant to be, we just had really bad timing. 

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