April Fools?

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Working title - it's late - I will take suggestions.

Y'all gonna have to guess.

Warnings: swearing, Remus, stupid


Roman's P.O.V.

Patton came into my room, distress written all over his face: his eyes were as big as sauces and tears were threatening to spill.

"What's wrong Padre?" I enquired- quickly sitting up and making room on my bed for Patton to sit.

"V-Virgil's g-g-gone, w-we found this note-e,"

My heart dropped and it seemed as if everything was all of a sudden happening in slow motion, in Patton's outstretched palm laid a scrunched up note.
I silently took it- noting how badly mine and Patton's hands shook.
Dear whoever this may concern,
                                                            I am writing to say that we have Virgil; we will keep him until you can appreciate him for who he is, and his inputs/ contributions. It has been brought to our attention that you have not been  taking care of Virgil, he goes into his room every night crying- because of YOU. I hope you're happy; God knows he isn't.

Signed: The Dark Sides
I felt sick,
"Why didn't he tell us?" I muttered.

"What was that kiddo?"

"I said: WHY DID HE NOT TELL US?!" I screamed.

Patton looked at me in shock before Logan came in with a confused yet sad expression. He looked my up and down, then turned to Patton.
"What happened?"

"Nothing Lo, you should check in on Thomas again," he answered before looking at me and noticing my quizzical expression.
"Thomas has had trouble sleeping, for hours- something's up with Remy,"

I sighed, knowing what we had to do- I had already weighed out the pros and cons, "we need to get Virgil back- we're visiting the dark sides,"


It only took an hour to reach the subconscious(it was made impossible to summon in). It was cast in a dark, towering shadow and engraved in patterns of sulphur yellow and moss green.

Silently, we sneaked inside and... it wasn't what I was expecting.

Remy and Remus were having a fucking dance fight- Virgil was pass-out drunk and Deceit was laughing his ass off shouting encouragement. I was stunned.

Remus winked at Deceit - causing him to turn crimson - then proceeded to say to  Remy, "is Thomas ever gonna sleep again?- you know what, who cares?! YOUR NIPPLES ARE OLDER THAN YOUR TEETH!"

Sleep inhaled, "gurl, I did not need to know," he then sipped his Starbucks and the two continued to bicker- whilst doing dances.

I stared in shock before pulling out the note and inspecting it. On the back, in tiny writing read: Haha April Fools, losers! He's here because there was a bee in his room.

I rolled my eyes and fed the note in my pocket.

None of the others seemed to notice (or care) when I made away across the room to Virgil and tapped his shoulder,
"C'mon Storm Cloud, we need to get you to bed," I said with the softest tone I could possibly muster.

"I- *hiccup* I don't wanna sleep!"
Right after he let out an adorable yawn and I may or may not have mentally squealed.

"Shh, we need to go Storm Cloud- you're clearly tired,"

" 'm not-" Virgil didn't have time to finish before I hoisted him onto my shoulder.

"We're going,"

***when they got back***

I gently set Virgil down in his bed and pulled a plethora of blankets over him. He cuddled into the blankets and I -once again- may or may not have mentally squealed.

However, I myself was tired so I turned to go, when I felt tugging on my sleeve.

"Don't- don't leave me,"

I chuckled and kissed his head softly,

"I won't, Emo Nightmare,"

Word count: 622

It's crap but I have a writers block so give me a break. Please remember to leave requests!

Stay optimistic,
Stay safe,
Eat lots of food,
Get lots of sleep


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