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"So, uh," Bucky started. Feeling compelled by his guilt to admit, "I'd like to pay you back, once we get to New York."

Steve shifted, momentarily annoying Noah still on his lap. Much to Bucky's continuous surprise, Steve made no move to hand the toddler back to him. Instead, Steve quietly comforted the young pup and rubbed his hand over Noah's back. Making sure that his jacket covered his wrist to avoid accidentally marking Noah, Steve still moved his hand in soothing motions.

Clearly not trying to move much in hopes of not disturbing Bucky's pup, Steve gave Bucky a sideways glance, "I'm not gonna make you pay me back."

"I know you're not making me," Bucky assured, helping Maisie climb into his lap while he replied, "I'm offering."

His jaw clenched and Bucky's heart started racing. Knowing that he shouldn't be angering an alpha that was trying to help him. It was stupid to be pushing this man's buttons when all Steve was doing was being kind. How could he be so reckless? Hadn't he learned this lesson time and time again with Brock? Did he have no self-preservation? Did he not care for his pups --

"Bucky?" Steve questioned, turning towards him. Noah was distressed, hiding his face further into the alpha's neck as though looking for a savior that he had never known.

Blinking, Bucky looked down at Maisie, watching as she silently cried into her blue teddy bear, Windy. Purposely burying her nose into the stuffed animal to hide from the distress rolling off Bucky. Even he could smell his bitterness and fear abstracting and twisting his natural scent.

Thickly swallowing, Bucky attempted to calm himself. If not for himself, for his kids and the strangers around them. Taking in a shaky breath, Bucky caught that same lounging-in-the-shade-with-a-freshly-picked-apple scent. Gaze focusing on Steve, Bucky noted how the petite man was actively pushing his scent out, to the rest of the room, to Bucky's pups, to Bucky, himself.

Heart stuttering, Bucky gave Steve a small smile in his silent appreciation. Looking back at the other passengers in the lobby, Bucky was about to apologize to them, but didn't get the chance to.

Overhead, the speaker cracked and announced, "Bus 1454 from Phoenix to New York has arrived. Please form an orderly line near your assigned terminal, and you will start boarding shortly."

Removing Maisie from his lap, Bucky set her on the ground. Only, she was tired. Both exhausted from the hour of day and emotionally exhausted from fleeing. Glancing over at Steve, Bucky watched as the petite alpha rose from his seat, keeping Noah in his arms. So, Bucky rose as well, slung his bag over his shoulder and lifted Maisie back into his arms.

As Bucky followed Steve towards their gate, he couldn't help but think how they looked like a family. Watching as Noah wrapped his tiny arms around Steve's slender neck sent a pang through his heart. For a moment, wanting to rub in Brock's face, see? He could still be an alpha! He's still deserving of an alpha's love! Bucky rolled his eyes at himself and how that was where his mind went. As though his pup's designation was the most important thing in the world.

"Priority boarding, please make your way to the front," an employee announced once they reached their departure gate.

Steve glanced over his shoulder to make sure that Bucky was still there before leading them towards the front of the line. Bucky could only imagine how much their tickets cost if they were priority boarding.

"Us four," Steve explained to the bus driver, holding out their tickets for the omega man to scan, while another employee took Steve's larger bag and Bucky's duffle to place them in the under-bus compartment.

End of the Line: Road to my Heart 1 (Pre-Serum Alpha!Steve x Omega!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now