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It was now or never.

Racing to the closet, Bucky pulled down a duffle bag. Not quite thinking as he started shoving random clothes in the black bag. Only staying half-aware, so he wouldn't pack any of Brock's clothes by mistake. He didn't want his orange-juice-after-brushing-teeth scent anywhere near him. Even if his omega mind was begging him to pack the sleep shirt that belonged to the alpha because when Brock was happy it was like sipping on mojitos at the club when the DJ was playing their song.

Shaking his head, Bucky zipped the duffle up and slung it over his shoulder. Ignoring how it sat uncomfortably on his bruised shoulder as he exited their bedroom. Nope, not theirs anymore. Just Brock's. It would never be Bucky's ever again. The only way he would come back was in a body bag.

Tossing the bag next to the door, he entered into the kitchen. Heading directly to the pantry and grabbing the container of formula powder. Knowing that he'd need it for Noah. Poor thing was still paying for being a preemie even two years later. Guilt always clenched Bucky's heart when he thought back to that day. He should've been more protective. He should've fought harder. He should've --

Bucky shook his head, he couldn't get distracted now.

Grabbing the two other containers on the shelf, he set them on the counter. Desperately wishing he remembered which one had the hidden cash. To take care of him and two pups with another on the way, it wasn't much, but it would be enough. It had to be.

Packing them in the diaper bag, Bucky triple checked that it had everything that they'd need. Food for the two toddlers for two days: check. Pull-Ups in case Noah had an accident: check. Two days' worth of clothes: check. Medicine for Maisie's cough: check. Although the apple prune juice was the kind that Noah didn't like, Maisie still did, and it would have to do.

Zipping the bag, Bucky quickly carried it over to the door. Grabbing his boots, Bucky sat on the edge of the leather sofa to slip them on. Was it ideal to leave now in the middle of winter? No, definitely not. But Bucky knew that if he didn't leave now, he never would.

As he stood back up, a popping came from the inside of his protruding abdomen. Not gas bubbles or anxious butterflies, but almost like a flicking along his insides. A simple kick, reminding Bucky of the unborn pup. As if I could forget, Bucky rolled his eyes and rubbed his hand over the large bump to soothe the baby.

Taking in a deep breath, Bucky made his way to the pups' room. Flipping on the light, Bucky's chest clenched when he found his two year old and four year old sleeping peacefully in their beds. Trying to keep the fear and anxiety from his scent, Bucky went to wake Maisie first. Being the older, she'd be easier, and she could dress herself.

"Wake up, sweetie," Bucky softly instructed, rubbing a soothing hand on her back. For a moment, she just kept sleeping. Bucky pushed her dark curls away from her face and pressed a kiss to her temple as he repeated, "Wake up, sweetie. Please, please, please."

Thankfully, she started to ruse. Pushing herself up on her forearms and rubbing her face along her pillow. Bucky kept rubbing her back. Sure, it eased her into consciousness. But it also helped keep Bucky distracted.

"Daddy," Maisie whined, tilting her head back and closing her eyes.

"I'm sorry, baby," Bucky apologized, leaning in close to nose at her brown curls. Enjoying the intimate moment of scenting her to find nothing but contentedness from her, "But ya gotta get up. We're goin' to Auntie Beck's, remember?"

Sighing, the four year old nodded. Once she started pushing herself up, Bucky stood from her bed and crossed the room to Noah. Rubbing his back as well, Bucky woke the little boy, "Come on, honey. Wake up."

Whimpering, Noah tried to roll over and hide his face. Normally, Bucky would've let him ease himself awake. Only, he didn't have time for that. Sure, Bucky was sure that Brock would be out for, at least, a few more hours since it was Boys' Night. But if Brock started taking his friends' teasing too seriously again, he'd definitely come back early. If all went well though, Brock would stay and drink, and he'd be too drunk to realize that they were gone until it was too late for him to chase after them.

Bucky hoped...

Removing the PAW Patrol comforter from Noah's small frame, Bucky helped him sit up. Taking a few steps over to the dresser, he pulled out a pair of socks for the pup. Just like Bucky, he'd go to bed with socks on, but kick them off in his sleep. Deciding to grab some thicker sweats as well, Bucky went back over to Noah.

Not wasting any time, Bucky simply exchanged the blue PAW Patrol one-piece for a pair of navy-blue sweatpants and a green sweatshirt with a dump truck on the front. Briefly wondering if he should have asked the toddler if he had to go potty before ultimately deciding he could wait until they reached the bus station. He was wearing a Pull-Up after all.

If he had an accident, he'd have an accident. Noah was still learning. It was to be expected. It wasn't his fault. Bucky understood that. Just because Brock thought differently about it -- Just because Brock had almost beat him black and blue --

Shaking his head, Bucky lifted Noah onto his hip, and turned back to see how Maisie was doing. She must have been watching Bucky because she stripped out of her pretty pink PAW Patrol nightgown and was in the midst of pulling on the matching sweatshirt to her purple floral sweatpants. His smart, smart, sweet pup.

After helping Maisie pull her hair out from beneath the collar of her shirt, Bucky herded her into the living room. Of course, it was more work than it probably should've been. Especially when she started to whine and throw a tantrum.

"Daddy," Maisie cried and grasped onto Bucky's leg, tugging at his pants.

"Baby, we have to go," Bucky tiredly reasoned with his oldest.

Lower lip quivering, Maisie begged, "Windy."

Sighing, Bucky conceded, "Okay. I'll go get it, you put your shoes on."

Sniffling, Maisie nodded and crossed the room to the shoe rack. While Maisie grabbed her shoes, Bucky set Noah down. Turning as quickly as he could with his situational poor balance, Bucky entered the bedroom again and grabbed the soft, wind-up bear plush. Wishing that he could've gotten it fixed before leaving. Knowing that, although Brock hated it, the lullaby calmed their pup.

Exiting the room to find Maisie slipping on her favorite pair of multicolored gel sandals, Bucky sighed. Sure, she had managed to put them on the correct feet. But she couldn't wear those. Not only would they give her blisters. But as soon as they started heading north, there would be snow. And he definitely didn't want to add frostbite to the things she had to suffer through.

"Sweetheart, you need your boots," Bucky corrected as he grabbed their coats from the hooks. Grasping his middle with his prosthetic while he bent to grab their boots as well.

With labored breathing, Bucky made sure they were prepared as they could be. Securing the backpack diaper bag onto his back and slinging the duffle strap along his middle, he picked Noah up to balance on his hip.

As he undid the locks on the door, Maisie reminded, "Don't forget your phone, daddy."

"No, baby," Bucky shook his head when he found her trying to hand it to him. He smoothed down her brown curls and told her, "We don't need it."

Her small face furrowed into one of confusion that was so similar to his sister's that it made Bucky long for her all the more. Maisie asked, "Won't alpha be mad?"

Thickly swallowing, Bucky ushered his oldest pup closer. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her out of the house with him, and lied, "'Course not, darling."

End of the Line: Road to my Heart 1 (Pre-Serum Alpha!Steve x Omega!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now