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Despite himself, Bucky couldn't help but look over his shoulder. Although he disguised it as nuzzling into Noah's dark curls, Bucky was still paranoid. Paranoid that Brock had realized they were gone. Paranoid that Brock had sent his coworkers after them. Paranoid that Bucky was acting too suspiciously. Acting too suspiciously for even being a skittish omega out at two in the morning. Add the two toddlers, Bucky was positive that someone would call the police. And on the off chance that one of Brock's friends would answer, Bucky knew that --

"Next!" The beta woman behind the counter called out.

Fixing a demur grin on his face, Bucky situated a sleeping Noah further up on his hip and gently tugged Maisie beside him. Feigning calm, Bucky said, "I'd like three tickets to New York, please."

Briefly, the woman's eyes lingered on Bucky's face before she silently nodded and typed on her computer. The typing seemed to last forever. A shiver ran down his spine as he wondered if she was somehow informing the police that he was there. Could she do that? Would she do that?

"That'll be $710.47, please."

Bucky's stomach dropped. In his hand, he only had $500. His throat was thick as he tried to think of what to do. If he used his credit card, Brock would be able to track it. Plus, Bucky wasn't even sure if he had that much in his account to begin with. It had taken him nearly nine months to save this much.

Maybe he could send just the pups to Becca. He really didn't want to take them back to Brock. The alpha could be home at that point. Bucky didn't even like to think about what Brock would do to him, let alone them, if --

"I'm heading to New York, too," a deep voice came from behind Bucky. The man -- an alpha, his nose informed -- offered, "I can cover the cost."

Tears started building in the rims of Bucky's eyes. Not sure if the tears were from the heightened pregnancy hormones or if they were from an act of kindness. Either way, Bucky sniffled and turned to face the charitable alpha.

What Bucky found definitely wasn't what he had been expecting.

There, at a courteous distance, stood a petite blond man. The man's eyes briefly widened when they landed on the left side of Bucky's face before dropping to the pups. A small smile tugged at the alpha's lips, and he brought his gaze back up to Bucky's eyes.

Sadness swirling in his eyes as his grin remained kind and he assured, "I really don't mind."

Fighting back tears, Bucky nodded his assent. As he moved off to the side, he let the man approach the counter. Sniffling, Bucky held his life savings out to the generous alpha. Not willing to just let him pay without offering anything in return.

"It's okay," the blond reassured with an attractive tick to his lips. Tenderly placing his slender hand over Bucky's, gently made sure that Bucky's hand held onto the money.

Brows furrowing, Bucky looked down at the ground -- Well, to his abdomen since he couldn't see much beneath the impressive curve. Although he should be glad to have some way to provide for his pups, he felt wrong just taking these tickets. Surely, no man would just give some random father a $700 trip, no strings attached.

Maybe he was in pre-rut...

Taking in a deep breath, Bucky didn't find anything overtly musky. Instead, finding a freshness to the scent. Like being at a pleasant park and relaxing in the shade while biting into a crisp green apple with the juices -- What am I doing?! Bucky chastised himself, instantly tucking his nose into his son's dark curls. Blaming the odd hour, lack of sleep, and heightened paranoia for him scenting a stranger in public.

End of the Line: Road to my Heart 1 (Pre-Serum Alpha!Steve x Omega!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now