Big Apple Holidays

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(Episode opens with an exterior view of a Manhattan Elementary School. The view zooms into one of the classrooms. Liam's class is getting ready to be dismissed for Thanksgiving Break.)

Mrs. Jett. Now class, remember to have a nice Thanksgiving Break.

(The bell rings. Liam packs his stuff up and starts walking home. The scene shifts to an exterior view of his apartment building. He now is in the elevator and walking to his apartment. He sees his great uncle Shep in the kitchen with Rooster, a Welsh sheepdog.)

Liam: Hey Rooster!

(Rooster comes over and licks his cheek. Liam giggles in delight.)

Shep: Hye, Liam. How's School going?

Liam: Great. Where are Mom, Dad, Max and Duke?

Shep: They're already at my farm.

Liam: Ok. Let me get my stuff ready to leave.

Shep: OK.

(Cut to Shep's car. Rooster and Liam are in the back seat, with Liam in a booster seat. Rooster lays his head on Liam's lap and they both fall asleep. Later, the 3 of them arrive at the farm.)

Liam: Shep, I didn't know we were going to your farm for Thanksgiving.

(Cut to Thanksgiving Dinner. Katie and Chuck's families are all sitting at a large table inside Shep's dining room that he had cleaned out for the dinner.)

Shep: I am so grateful that you Chuck and Katie's family made it to the farm for Thanksgiving.

(Everyone eats. The episode now cuts back to Liam's elementary school.)

Mrs. Jett: How was everyone's Thanksgiving?

Class: Great.

Mrs. Jett: Who can tell me what they did or where they went? (Liam raises his hand.) Liam?

Liam: I went to my great uncle's farm.

Mrs. Jett: Cool. How about you, Natalie?

Natalie: I went to my grandma's in Maine

Mrs. Jett: Nice. How about you, Shane?

Shane: I went to my aunt's in Arizona.

Mrs. Jett: YEEHAW!

(Entire class laughs.)

Mrs. Jett: Speaking of which, Shane. Arizona is the next state we will be learning about. Who can tell me something they know about Arizona? (Liam raises his hand.) Liam?

Liam: It was part of Mexico?

Mrs. Jett: Right you are, Liam! Arizona also has deep roots of Southern and Hispanic Cultures. Now, Christmas is coming, so we will dive into Arizona after we get back from Winter break. I will see you all tomorrow.

(Liam starts walking home after the bell rings. Cut from black to the next school day. It is the last day before winter break. The view once again shows Liam's elementary school.)

Mrs. Jett: Ok, class. Before we head home for winter break, I wanted to say have a nice break.

Class: You too!

(The bell rings. Liam walks home. He enters his apartment and sees Duke and Max.)

Liam: Feels good to be on Winter break! For Christmas, I hope I get a boogie board for the beach. I am already a pro soccer player. I am also hoping for some ski attire.

Max: I agree, Liam. Careful with all these things. It's good you have lessons in skiing too.

Duke: Yep!

(Cut to Christmas eve. Liam is about to go to bed.)

Liam: Merry Christmas, Duke and Max.

Duke and Max: You too Liam.

(Cut to the next day, Christmas)

Chuck: Looks like Santa left you some cool things.

Liam: Sweet. (He walks to the common area of the apartment and gasps excitedly.) A boogie board, ski attire and some new soccer themed clothes! Merry Christmas everyone.

All: You too, buddy. 

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