Nightmares of Squirrels

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(Episode opens with Liam entering a Cannonball competition at a Golf Club pool.)

MC: Up first, Liam.

(Liam performs a cannonball that drenches all 3 judges.)

MC: Judges scores. 10! 10! 10!

(Liam blushes with delight as everyone applauds. Cut to the morning. Liam is laughing raucously as Mel licks him. The boy wakes up to see the pug staring back at him.)

Liam: Mel? What are you doing here?

Mel: Oh, sorry Liam. I was just having this nightmare. All these squirrels I tell you! SQUIRRELS!!!!! (Runs out of the room screaming.)

Liam: What has gotten into Mel?

Max: Well, Liam. He doesn't like squirrels.

Liam: Why not?

Max: That's just the way he is.

(Cut to later in the day. Mel cautiously enters Buddy's apartment. The pug has a cone on his head to stop him from scratching his nightmares away.)

Buddy: What happened, Mel?

Mel: Well, my owner took me to the V-E-T to get this cone.

Buddy: Don't worry Mel. Your secret is safe with me.

Mel: Oh, thanks Buddy!

(Cut to the next day. Mel is staring out the window despite the cone blocking half of his view. He sees a squirrel.)

Mel (thinking to himself): Nice squirrel.

(Cut to later in the day, just as Liam gets home from school. Liam walks out of the building's elevator to his apartment. He grabs his key, and unlocks the door.)

Duke and Max: Liam!

Liam: Duke! Max! How's Mel?

Max: Better actually. I think he knows how to cope with squirrels.

Mel: Yes sir! (he suddenly notices one and starts barking. It's Buddy wearing a squirrel disguise.)

Buddy: Boy I got you, Mel!

(Liam and all 4 dogs laugh as Liam leaves to start his homework.) 

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