Chapter 13 :《Crush》

Start from the beginning

We were still smiling at each other while talking more calmly.

- "Have you ever had a boyfriend ?" I asked softly.

She noded at me with a small smile.

- "You ?" She asked in the same tone.

I shaked my head.

- "Would you want to ?" She asked, smirking slightly at me.

I just shrugged while smiling.

- "I only dated girls" I said.

- "Did it last long ?" She asked out of curiosity.

- "No" I answered chuckling.

She chuckled too, shaking her head.

- "Weeks" I added laughing a bit.

- "Are you serious !?" She exclaimed laughing.

We were both laughing.

- "Poor girls" She said jokingly.

- "They never complained" I answered, smirking at her.

She rolled her eyes playfully, still laughing.

- "I wonder why" She said, looking at me with a playful smirk.

- "You know why" I stated with the same smirk.

Now we were just looking at each other while laughing a bit.

- "I will admit that you were good. Better than my ex boyfriend" She stated jokingly.

- "Of course" I answered, smirking.

She chuckled.

- "What happened with him ?" I asked more seriouly, smiling softly at her.

She just shrugged.

- "We just broke up" She simply said with a small smile on her face.

- "What is his name ?"

- "Michael"

I noded.

- "Did it last long ?" I asked curious.

- "Five months" She said smiling.

I had a surprised expression on my face.

- "Why did you broke up after these five months ?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

She sighed slightly, still smiling at me.

- "I don't know. I think he got bored of me" She said calmly.

How can someone get bored of her ? She is funny, kind and cute.

- "How ?" I asked, confused.

She laughed slightly at me and shrugged again, pursing her lips and smiling at me.

I opened my arms for her to come hug me. She chuckled slightly and came, placing herself inbetween my arms. My back was pressed against the backrest of my bed and she intertwined our legs as her head was pressed against my chest and her left arm rested on my torso. I wrapped my arms around her body and placed my chin on the top of her head.

- "Did you love him ?" I asked calmly.

We didn't move from this position.

- "Why are we only talking about me now ?" She said jokingly.

- "Because there's nothing new about me" I answered, chuckling which made her laugh a bit.

- "I don't know" She finally answered. "But we don't even talk anymore" She added, shrugging in my arms.

- "Do you miss him ?"

- "Sometimes"

- "You should go talk to him" I told her in a friendly tone.

She laughed at that.

- "Are you seriously saying that now ?" She said laughing softly.

- "Because he's cute" I said mimicking her from earlier while laughing.

- "Shut up !" She answered, laughing as she hit my chest playfully. "I hate you" She added, still laughing.

- "Liar" I said, laughing too. "You are the best friend I ever had" I added more calmly.

She faced me and smiled.

- "You are too" She said softly.

I smiled at her.

We were still hugging and looking at each other when my mom surprisingly entered my bedroom. We both jumped a little and pulled away, sitting on my bed and turning towards my doorframe to look at my mom.

- "Oh I'm sorry ! Did I interupt something ?" She exclaimed surprised.

- "Um no we were just chatting" Mia answered politely while smiling.

- "Ok, I just came to ask you if you wanted to stay for dinner" My mom said kindly.

- "Sure, if you don't mind" Mia answered happily.

I smiled while looking at her as she was still smiling at my mom.

- "No, we would love to" My mom answered in a happy tone.

Mia just smiled in responce.

- "Then you guys can join us downstairs when you're ready" My mom added, smiling at us before walking away.

- "F*ck couldn't she knock" I let out laughing a bit after she left.

Mia turned towards me while chuckling, then took out her phone from her pocket and texted her family to tell them that she was staying. After that she put it back in her pocket and looked at me again.

- "We're not done talking about your crush !" She said in a stern tone, jocking while standing up.

I stood up too laughing at what she just said and I grabed her left hand, guiding her downstairs.

We sat next to each other, in front of my parents. Mia got to meet my sixteen years old little sister Alice who sat next to her. She chatted with all of them and also with me while we ate. It went perfectly and my family got to know her better.

After that I brought her back to her house as we talked a bit during the drive. We said our goodbyes and she kissed my cheek before exiting my car, walking towards her house and entering it. Then I left.

I was now lying in bed ready to sleep. I scrolled through my phone a little before sleeping. I sent a text to Mia.

To Mia ❤ : "Sleep tight princess ❤"

She quickly answered my text.

From Mia ❤ : "Have a goodnight best friend And have good dreams about your prince !! ❤❤"

I let out a small laugh because of what she said. She is unbelievable.

After that I put my phone on my nightstand and started placing myself to sleep when I got another notification. I just took my phone back thinking it would be another text from Mia.

From Aiden : "Hey cutie, sorry I didn't text you earlier. Sleep tight, I hope I will get to see you again soon"

I just blushed at my phone and couldn't stop smiling big as my heart was racing. I was still looking at his text. Does he think I'm cute !?

I finally decided to stop looking at it and placed my phone back on my nightstand. I then shut my eyes to sleep, with the biggest smile on my face. Maybe I have a little crush on him.

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