*8* How jealous are they from 1/10?

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How jealous are they from 1/10?

Colby- 7/10. He once saw a guy flirt with you and has been kind of jealous ever sense.

Sam- 2/10. He trusts you. He knows that you'd never cheat on him with another guy.

Jake- 5/10. He knows how hot you are and how good of a person you are to him and how you understand him better than anyone else. He sometimes and sometimes won't take that chance of losing you.

Corey- 6/10. Sometimes he sees guys trying to peek over you and flirt with you. Sinse his past girlfriend didn't stay long with him because of another dude, he doesnt want to lose the one that actually makes him feel like he belongs.

Brennen- 10/10. Even if another dude is just asking for directions, he tries his best to be all kissy with you or even embarrass you. "You see that mark on her neck right there? Yea, I made that on her last night so stay the fuck away from her!" He says. You always shake your head or punch him in the arm. You hate how he always embarrasses you but you always think it's cute whenever he's jealous.

205 words

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