Pirates part two

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Trigger warning: violence, sensitive/ mature subjects, fighting and attacks.

I've changed up the dialogue so enjoy y'all.

"What the hell happened to your neck Y/n?" Mal asks furiously during this massive argument.

Before I can open my gob Harry Hook beats me to it.

Before I can open my gob Harry Hook beats me to it

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"Claimed my territory." Harry says smugly.

That's when Jay goes to lunge but Evie holds him back as I giggle.

"We all thought a fight was happening with all them crashes an bangs." Gil says.

Me and Harry smirk at each other then Harry winks at Jay. It's always been that way that Harry and Jay had a particular dislike for each other. Always the competitive.

"Uma you don't have to do this!" Ben shouts.

I stalk over to the king who didn't choose me to join my sister. Harry sees what I'm up to and holds the tied up king still for me.

"What's my name?" I question the king.

The king doesn't answer me so I slap him hard around the face. Harry chuckles as an Auradon friend of the VKs gasps.

"I'd answer her ya know." Harry muses.

"What's my name king?" I sneer in his face.

"I don't know! I don't know who you are!" The het-up little king shouts all a panic.

So I kick him hard in his stomach with my six inch leather boots. The king collapses on his knees with the wind knocked out of him as Harry laughs manically.

"Y/n!" Evie scolds me.

I'm not done with the king yet.

"I am Y/n of the Isle, daughter of the Evil Queen," the king gasps, "Younger sister of Evie little miss perfect." I spit, "And I, have brought you the king of Auradon to your knees." I proclaim.

"Y/n enough of your theatrics!" Carlos shouts at me.

I scoff and turn back to the injured king who's still breathing heavily on the ship deck.

"You split me and my sister up you selfish king. You are one of the reasons why my blood abandoned me." I take a pause, "You left me alone without them and I was left to pay for their crimes and your selfish decision." I rant furiously.

"Enough Y/n please!" Mal begs.

I then bend down but making sure my head is held higher than the king.

"They beat me, almost to death. I was a bloody pulp. Every single one of my ribs were broken." I say quietly, "They broke both of my legs."

Evie, Mal, the Auradon friend and the king are all crying like the weaklings they are.

"I found her in that alleyway. Alone and barely breathing." Harry says with a fire in his eyes.

"Wanna know what else they did?"

"Uma stop her now!" Mal screams.

"No!" Uma yells violently, "You guys need to hear and know this! What you caused to happen to her..." Uma says roughly.

I lift up my dirty pirate blouse to reveal a scar. Evie screams when she sees.

"See Evie wearing our family's symbol of a crown?" I start, "This was carved into by bare skin but with their own twist of it being broken and defeated." I say quietly but loud enough everyone can hear me in the deadly silence.


"Yes Capt'n?"

"Stop playing with your food now." Uma says smirking.

I laugh but do a sudden hard kick to the king's knee and he falls flat clutching the knee which made a hard crunch.

"King down!" I singsong.

"That's my lass!" Harry shouts.

Harry yanks the king up giving him no mercy as he pushes him onto the plank. After some more arguing takes place the trade is made and the wand turns out to be fake! I climb the ship and leap off grabbing a rope. I land with a crash next to Evie and Carlos.

"'Iya!" I shout high pitch.

"You can tell she spends a lot of time with Harry, can't you?" Carlos almost whines.

"I feel my ears burning." Harry teases the other side of Carlos.

Me and Harry smirk as we've cornered Evie and Carlos. That's when I swing my sword at Evie who doesn't expect it so blocks last minute. She screams in agony at the nip of the blade on her perfect skin.

"That's nothing, dear sister." I say with insanity and hatred laced into my voice.

We continue to fight as Harry combats Carlos. Evie runs away as I cackle at my sister who's became a soft coward.

"Coward!" Harry declares at a sobbing Evie.

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