Saeron scoffs, more anger bubbling up in her chest. "You've already violated our alliance! What makes you think you're welcomed here?"

King Taeyong turns back to face the other people in the room before his gaze settles on the king sitting on in the middle of the elevated platform. "I merely wanted to join in on the celebration. Mirador adores parties and festivals—lots of performances and drinks and women."

He pauses to let out a sickening laugh when he takes in Saeron's paled expression. He leans in towards her, ignoring the light press of the blade against his skin as he whispers tauntingly, "It's not too late to say 'I do.'"

That seems to be the final straw for Saeron, because for a moment there it looks like she's really going to chop his head off. However, before she can make a move to do anything, Taehyung's hands are pulling her back. The action only manages to pull another laugh from King Taeyong, knowing that he succeeded with his mockery.

"You have either a lot of guts or too little shame to be coming all the way here. After initiating unnecessary attacks against us and holding Princess Saeron captive? Need I remind you that you have a lot of enemies all around you," Erest's king speaks up from beside King Han.

"I am only doing my duty as a king. I always opt for the best for my kingdom. Everything I've done was simply... battle strategies? I might say," King Taeyong replies. "I only have what? A small entourage of less than ten people with me and I am clearly outnumbered here so what is all this fuss about? I promise you, your majesties, that I do not intend to harm anyone during my stay here as long as the annual gathering still proceeds."

He stretches his arms, his smile broadening. "Now, won't we be more civilized people and just allow a young man like me to take refuge in your humble kingdom for a couple of nights?"

King Han takes a deep breath, clutching onto the arms of his chair. King Taeyong has willingly agreed to leave his small entourage outside, and by the looks of it, there's nothing he can do with all the high-ranked officials and nobles from the other kingdoms keeping a close eye on him.

Even so, the members of the room are clearly at a state of unease. With every passing moment of King Taeyong being in their presence, they grow more and more wary.

"Kim Namjoon-ssi," King Han calls out to his advisor.

The said man looks equally conflicted and it's a rare appearance. It seems like even the king's advisor is contemplating on whether or not to pull through with Taeyong's request. However, "According to the written rules of the Annual Spring Gathering, as agreed and accepted by the four kingdoms after the Great Revolution, no representative from any of the four kingdoms should be excluded or denied participation. No matter the condition."

Saeron lets out a scoff of disbelief. "Now that's just bullshit—"

"Language," Her father reprimands in a loud voice that almost makes her flinch. "I taught you better."

"But father you can't—"

"If there are no other objections, we shall abide with the rules that have been set," King Han states. His eyes flit over towards the young king, bellowing, "I'll have you know, King Taeyong, that this is the only reason I have not allowed our guards to have you executed just yet."

Beside him, the king of Karrstad adds, "On one condition. Surrender your weapons and do not carry a single blade with you, with the duration of The Hunt being the only exception."

"Done," King Taeyong answers, a satisfied grin on his face that Saeron so badly wants to punch off. "Any other requests, your majesties?"

The three kings exchange glances for a moment. "That will be all," King Han replies, fists clenched against the arms of his seat.

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