Part 2

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A/N: The guy in the picture is Blade


Blade Stanislavovich was sat on the football field, a cigarette hanging loosely off his lips as he twirled a Jagdkommando knife in his left hand. News travelled fast in Woodford, so he had already heard about the innocent rabbit who had arrived a few hours earlier. Blade had yet to see the boy, but already knew he wanted the rabbit for himself. He stared intently at two boys on the other side of the field, laughing with each other.

"Hey, that's not fair Zero. Give it back." The black-haired boy shouted at his friend who was stood a few meters away, holding the smaller boy's cigarette.

"Come and get it then Sage." Zero stared into Sage's ice blue eyes as he raised the cigarette above his head, knowing the shorter boy wouldn't be able to reach. Sage lunged forward, knocking Zero to the ground as he grabbed the cigarette back and blew smoke into Zero's face. The two boys' uniforms were caked in mud as the two rolled around on the floor, their white shirts turning deep brown but neither cared. Unbeknownst to the two friends, Blade was strolling towards them, a psychotic glint in his eyes as he held the knife.

"You wanna play a game?" His deep husky voice startled the two boys who sat up straight, staring at the boy in black. Sage stared, terrified, at the infamous knife in Blade's hand as Zero stared at the boy, "if you run now, there'll be less chance I'll kill you." Blade smirked at the two as he held the knife up. Sage and Zero stumbled as they stood up knowing what was going to happen as they ran away.

The knife Blade held wasn't built to be a throwing knife, but he made do as he threw the knife towards the shorted boy, just missing the boy's head. Blade liked to chase the dim-witted students; they would never know the true power of him until he had them tied up in the school's basement.

"Z, he's gonna fucking kill us. That bloody knife almost hit me."

"Sage, you gotta keep running otherwise we'll be done for. We both know he'll only stop once we reach our room." The knife came out of nowhere, burying itself in Zero's side causing the boy to fall down, "run. I don't want him to get you too." Sage hesitated, not wanting to leave his friend but also not wanting to die. Sage's survival instinct crept in, causing the boy to run towards the safety of his room.

Blade leant over Zero as he pulled the scarlet blade out, "good little wolf. Now run." Zero ran for his life, ignoring the burning pain in his side as he headed to safety, Blade on his heels. The psychopath managed to stab the boy in the calf just before he reached his room. He pulled the blade out and threw it to the boy in black.

"Why?" Zero asked as he leant against the metal door.

"I was bored." Blade replied as he stalked away from the boy and headed to his own room a few floors up.

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