07 • It's TYCHE Not Tikki

Start from the beginning

"No, just stop." I said, finality in my tone.

"There's no need to be so rude to your mother, Akira." She tried guilt tripping me, "If you didn't want to talk to Rahul, you could have just said that. There's no need to be so dramatic."

Rahul, so that was this guy's name. I shook my head. Why am I even giving a second thought to this shit?

I rested my head against my hand. This was all so strange .

For the first eighteen years of my life this woman would snap the moment I mentioned a boy's name, even if he was my bench partner for the month. And now suddenly Ma was acting like my self appointed wingman.

I shrugged. Mothers could be so confusing at times.

Before Ma could bring up another brainless topic of conversation, Roshni climbed onto the bed next to me, pushing me side as she hogged the screen.

I wasn't complaining though.

Anymore time alone with my mother, and she would probably have managed to convince me to get engaged to her neighbour's sister's son just because he had a good profile picture on Instagram.

"Hi Aunty! How are you?" Roshni waved at my mom.

"I'm good beta," Ma smiled angelically, "How are you?"

"I'm fine Aunty. But I have a complaint against Akira." Roshni said.

"Why? What has my little girl done? Is she not eating properly? Or is she studying too much?" my mother started with her usual set of questions.

I rolled my eyes.

"No she's been eating properly and all. But I've been trying to convince her all day to come with Neel and me to...Oww!" Roshni screamed, when I pinched her arm hard, knowing full well where this conversation was headed.

"Please don't do this to me." I mouthed, pleading with my eyes.

Ignoring me completely, she continued, "Yeah, I have been trying to get Akira to come with me to this party hosted by one of our college friends but she just won't listen."

My mother frowned.

"Do you have any other plans for tonight, Akira?" she asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do. I need to finish up the troubleshooting program I'm working on by tomorrow night." I replied, shifting my weight onto my elbows.

"For that Tikki company?"

Roshni stifled a laugh and I glared at her.

"Ma! It's TYCHE and not Tikki!"

"See Aunty, Akira's been acting like that company is going to crash within a day if she doesn't finish a very basic program." Roshni pitched in.

"Don't worry dear, Akira will go to the party with you." My mother replied without asking me.

"But Ma..." I began to protest.

"No, I'm having none of your nonsense. You really need to learn to live a little."

What does she mean?!

"Ok, I'll see." I replied halfheartedly.

"No you're going and that's final. I'm not going to hear anymore of this now." my mother stated.

"I love you Aunty!" Roshni blew my mother a flying kiss.

"Bye." I said crossly, shutting the laptop screen. "You owe me one you bully."

"Haha, I promise you won't miss much today if you come." Roshni said, as she leapt off my bed and gathered her books.

She'd come over to the apartment after college to study with me, but we hadn't done much of that. Now that I think of it, she was just buying herself time to convince me to go to the party and had ended up acquiring the reins to my nearly nonexistent social life.

That sly bitch!

"Ok I'm leaving before your hotshot turns up. We'll pick you up at seven. And dress well." She shouted over he shoulder as she sprinted to the door.

"Ughh..." I groaned.

Why on earth did I call Ma when Roshni was around? That bitch now had unspoken permission to control my social propaganda.


I wore a black dress, nothing too showy but a classic piece that ended a couple of inches above my knees. It hugged my curves softly but not too snuggly that I'd feel uncomfortable wearing it.

I liked this dress. Honestly, I felt really beautiful when I wore it.

I'd decided to enjoy tonight without any apprehensions after giving the idea of the party some thought.

You either go big or don't go at all, right?

I kept my makeup minimal, just some mascara and kohl lining my eyes, and a little dab of lip gloss.

Grabbing my purse I headed out hurriedly and bumped into Vinay who'd just returned from wherever he'd been.

Involuntarily, his hand shot out to hold my hand and steady me. His dull eyes bored into my eyes when I met his unwavering gaze.

"Look where you're going, Akira." Vinay said coldly, letting go of my arm.

"Yeah," I replied, a little flustered, "I'm sorry."

Vinay opened his mouth as if to say something to me, but closed it. He wordlessly walked past me.

I shrugged. That boy switched from hot to cold so fast, it was impossible for me to keep up with his moods.

"Are you going to the party?" he asked, turning slowly.

"Yes. Are you going to come?" I inquired politely.

"Maybe, I don't know." He replied simply, "I haven't really thought about it yet."

"Ok, I should get going then." I replied quickly, making my way into the building lobby.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

Let the party begin!


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Beta: pronounced as bey-ta is an Indian term of endearment for your child.

Chapati: An Indian bread.

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