CH. 1 - Her 'Escape'

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As the two continued to walk they eventually made it to a steel door, with multiple locks on it. The female arched a brow as the male unlocked them all before opening the door for her. The raven haired girl then walked into the room, arching a brow to see that it was pitch black. The door then slammed shut behind her, causing her to flinch.

The female was about to head back towards the door, only to stop dead in her tracks as she heard the sounds of hissing and slithering around her..

Narrator's P.O.V

The girl stayed still as the snakes continued to slither and coil around her ankles. She then tripped as more snakes pushed past her ankles, causing her to let out a yelp.

The female simply laid there, unsure what to do as more and more snakes coiled around her. She couldn't help but stifle out a little giggle as they continued to slither around her. The feeling of having the scales rub against her skin made her ticklish, so what can I say?

This was then, another snake made its way towards her. The female continued to giggle until she felt the snake coil around her neck and her waist, causing her to gasp for air. The snake looked down at her as it's grip around her tightened, causing the female to choke. It then leaned in towards her neck, nudging her gently to get some of her hair out of the way before sinking it's fangs into her. As the snake did this the female's eyes widened, causing her to gasp once more as it's venom coarsed through her.

Lori wanted to scream, shout, cry, but..All she could feel was a burning sensation everywhere..

It hurts..

The pain...


Make it stop..

Those were the words that the female repeated in her head. Everything hurt, but she couldn't do anything. It's as if she was slowly losing her body to this snake...

And as soon as she knew it, she then passed out from the unbearing pain..

As the female passed out the snake sank it's fangs deeper into the female before releasing it's grip on her. It then slithered towards her left arm and disappeared, though, a few moment later, a snake tattoo would appear on her left arm, the same snake that had bit her..

•~ A Few Moments Later ~•

Lori woke up and looked around to see that she was still in the same room as before. She winced as she felt a stinging pain in her neck, reaching out towards it to feel bandages wrapped around her neck.

The female sat up on the bed and looked around once more, looking for a mirror, only to find one by the sink.

She headed over towards the sink and stood in front of the mirror, examining the bandages wrapped around her neck. The female traced her finger along the rough surface before unwrapping the bandages. As she unwrapped it she noticed two puncture holes on the side of her neck.

The first thought that came to her mind were vampires as she saw the two holes. 'Ooh maybe I got bit by one..?' the female thought to herself, smiling at the thought.

But then she remembered the room filled with the snakes and shook the thought of the vampires aside.

The raven haired female then narrowed her gaze down towards the floor, looking down at her bare feet. The female's gaze then shifted over towards the door, taking a few steps towards it before pushing it open, looking down the hallway to see if anybody was around.

{ Venom And Poison: A Creepypasta OC Backstory; REVAMPED}Where stories live. Discover now